switching to layer crumbles?


12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
Saint George GA
My girls are going on 13 weeks old, and we have about a week-and-a-half to two-weeks worth of food (starter) left. I'm wondering if I should go ahead and get a 50# bag of layer crumbles as their next food, or if I should get a 25# 'interim' bag of starter to get them a little bit older before switching them. I've heard that the switch can be made at about 16 weeks, but I don't think I have enough to hold them over that long. But I don't want to switch them too early and mess them up with too much calcium. I considered keeping them on starter till they finish up one more 50# bag, but by then they will probably be between 18 & 20 weeks old (their feed consumption dropped when we got rid of the roos) and some of them might be starting to lay by then (I hope).
What do y'all suggest?
I agree.....keep them on the starter crumbles untill you get an egg...then mix the layer crumbles with the starter, if you have any left. Gradually switch them to pellets....alot less waste. It took mine a while to like the pellets, but now they eat them just fine!
Thanks y'all! I didn't know if it was OK for them to lay before they actually got on the layer food. I'll go ahead and get another big bag of starter.

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