Swollen Abdomen???

As you probably read, I'm dealing with the same thing. Our hen is all skin and bones, and yet I've been trying to get her to eat expensive and exotic grains like amaranth and she won't eat it!!!!

I've been "force" feeding our hen, putting food on the end of her beak and giving her water with a dropper. (I've seen some people put a tube down their hen's throat and pour stuff down, but I don't have the guts to do that.)

Just get something- her regular feed, exotic food, anything! in her if she's not lethargic or having crop issues. Also, if you perhaps have Nutri-Drench on hand, you should give your gal some of that. If not, any chicken electrolytes will help her.

Not to make this gross or anything, but did your hen have an egg stuck in there (egg bound) or... ???
*Another Update on Cricket*

Not good.... Her comb is almost completely white, with a touch of pink. Also her...droppings... are watery and white. She also isn't eating much, and is losing her appetite for amaranth.

I'm giving her Nutri-Drench to give her a boost, and making sure she eats at lest some of her regular feed. And also water.

Any advice?

I'm sorry to hear Cricket is not doing well

It does sound like she is starting to decline. Just keep doing what you can to keep her comfortable.
I am not sure
she will not let me holder for very long. Where did you buy your syringe? I might have to drain her. Did Cricket's abdomen fell hard or squishy? My hen's feels hard.

We got our syringe at our vet's office. And yes, Cricket's abdomen felt hard! Like a water balloon completely full. After draining Cricket for the first time, she looked and seemed a lot better, so it does help.
No, she didn't have an egg in her, just a ton of fluid. And her abdomen was so swollen, I could only use a q-tip to lubricate her vent.
Not as well as I had hoped :( she was doing fantastic up until about yesterday. I took her in to get her abdomen drained once again on Saturday. They drained only half as much as last time, which the vet said is good. He said the fluid that keeps building up sucks all the protein away from her so it is hard for her to gain any weight, grow feathers, etc. Yesterday I have noticed she is much slower :(. She refuses to go back out with the other birds and has literally jumped into my arms to come back inside. We are still keeping her in the back room separated. Not sure if she will make it another two weeks :(. Vet also said egg yolk peritonitis/the fluid filled abdomen could just be symptoms of a bigger problems like tumors. Since chickens have been so modified with genetic engineering (aimed towards egg production) they have lots of reproductive problems. She could have tumors (we just put one of my other chickens down on Thursday, unexpectedly, because a vet found a large tumor in her abdomen :( we brought her in thinking she had some sort of impaction). Vet also said he thinks reproductive problems are a huge killer in chickens but go unnoticed. Sorry for the novel...just hoping to share my 300+ dollars of vet information!
Also, my chicken is still on antiinflammitory medication, not grooming herself at all, slow, and not gorging on food like she was. Doesn't seem to be pooping as much either. Just getting lots of TLC
Cricket just passed away. I had just given her a bath, and blow dried her, and was trying to get her to eat some Greek Yogurt in her crate. Fortunately, she's gone to a much better place, but we'll miss her all the same.
Cricket just passed away. I had just given her a bath, and blow dried her, and was trying to get her to eat some Greek Yogurt in her crate. Fortunately, she's gone to a much better place, but we'll miss her all the same.

I'm so sorry

You did everything to help her and loved her - that's the most important thing.

@chickychick211 Just love her and try to do the best you can like SuperChickRuth did. I'm sorry to hear your girl is not doing well.

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