Swollen eye and eye area


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2023
Hi Everyone. Thanks to everyone who has already welcomed me!

I have a 17 month old Specked Sussex hen named Clementine. She has had a swollen eye/s for a few days now. They seem to be getting more swollen as the days go on.

She acts fine otherwise, although I know chickens are stoic. She eats and drink and free ranges with the flock. No one is bothering her and she tends to be higher up on the pecking order. I'm fairly sure she hasn't laid in a few days, which is atypical for her.

She has no other symptoms that we can see. No respiratory issues, no oozing or bubbles or anything else.

No other chickens exhibit this issue and all is well with the flock.

We'll do whatever we need to help our sweet Clem through this. She recently recovered from a cracked beak (we hand fed her for awhile, then isolated her during feeding time to allow her to eat out of a deep bucket) then we filed her beak down. We are willing to help our girls in any way they need!

Also, just as an fyi, we recently treated for mites, although the infestation was quite mild.

Thanks for any advice!


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I’m sorry your chicken isn’t feeling well. I hope someone with more experience sees your post and can help. But the first thing I think of when I see this is infectious coryza. Here is an article about it that is very informative. Do her symptoms seem similar?
Thank you for linking the article. She doesn't seem to have any of the other symptoms listed so I'm not sure.
I hope someone here can give you some ideas and advice for treating your poor girl. In the mean time, there are some great articles and resources around here. Perhaps you can browse some old threads and find something similar to this, there could be some helpful ideas about what is going on. Sorry I wish I could offer you more.

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