Swollen eye and eyeball seems pushed back??

I had to embed the video to watch it. If I had one with pus like that, that is how I would do it. Not sure I'd do the q-tip method.

I'm waiting for the evening to come, I did more reading and found no safe sedation to calm a chicken other than do what you have to do at night when chickens are more tired... My husband just got home to help me later after I put the little ones to bed. I had him watch the video, we aren't looking forward to it but her eye needs help. I'm praying we don't do more harm than good.
I'd suggest having some stypic powder in case it bleed. Here ia a picture of a peacock that had sinus surgery and I think this is a large vein:






We did it!! Thank you for your info and just being there to answer back. We ended up going up in her inner eye lid as it was covering the pus in front of her eye. Also we felt the healing may be quicker inside than an external cut... There was some bleeding but seemed to clot fairly quickly, the biggest issue was letting her take quick breaks to prevent blood in nostril and from straining her neck so much. We had to make the cut longer twice because it just wasn't big enough to slip out the first cut. It wasn't pretty but I'm glad we did it, she seems happier because she is already preening herself which she hasn't been able to do it seems. Already eating and drinking to. I'll apply Terramycin 3x a day for the next 3 days. Does that sound like a good post op plan?
Pics included:

TurnerEGGZ, I've recently experien


ced an eye issue with my silver seabright roo. Pus in his eye; I've expressed the swollen area around the eye from different angles around the eye, forcing the pus out. The plug has a tail on the end as it was inside the front of the eye socket. I cleaned it as much as possible then packed it with triple antibiotic ointment. I sprayed vetrycin on any parts of his body where the pus has transfered. He tucks his head in his wing feathers so i keep that sprayed to keep any possible secondary infection at bay. He has relief, but the pus returns after a week. I've tried vet rx, vetrycin gel & opthamalic gel, but think the triple antibiotic works the best. I haven't tried Tylan yet. Ive heard injecting Tylan 50 might be exactly what he needs.

If anyone has suggestions on dosage of injectable tylan ( or oral) to give, that would be helpful.

The deal is, i can treat this issue, but havent a clue of treating the source of the problem! Thx for anyone's input!
Pics included:

TurnerEGGZ, I've recently experien


ced an eye issue with my silver seabright roo. Pus in his eye; I've expressed the swollen area around the eye from different angles around the eye, forcing the pus out. The plug has a tail on the end as it was inside the front of the eye socket. I cleaned it as much as possible then packed it with triple antibiotic ointment. I sprayed vetrycin on any parts of his body where the pus has transfered. He tucks his head in his wing feathers so i keep that sprayed to keep any possible secondary infection at bay. He has relief, but the pus returns after a week. I've tried vet rx, vetrycin gel & opthamalic gel, but think the triple antibiotic works the best. I haven't tried Tylan yet. Ive heard injecting Tylan 50 might be exactly what he needs.

If anyone has suggestions on dosage of injectable tylan ( or oral) to give, that would be helpful.

The deal is, i can treat this issue, but havent a clue of treating the source of the problem! Thx for anyone's input!

Oh no! I'm sorry you are going through this issue, it was our first major issue raising chickens and performing surgery was was a lot for us first time chicken owners. You mentioned you expressed the pus, was it not a hard cheese like pus? Ours was not able to be expressed, we tried Bc I was worried about cutting near her eyeball. But it would not budge! We had to open her eye lids and then slice open the secondary eyelid (the soft red tissue inside eye covering eyeball) and then scoop and pop out the glob of hard pus. I used a rounded metal manicure tool to scoop with Bc qtips were not strong enough. Anyhow while in there there were 3 different globs... The first small one on the top, the huge one in the front and then a thin sliver piece that at the time I didn't see. So after getting the first two pieces we called it quits and let her rest. Eye was notably better and after 3 days I let her outside with flock again. Then 2 days went by and I noticed her closing it again... Picked her up and checked her eye and saw the thin piece still in there and it was floaty like. So after a few mins I was able to just get pull it out and had to tug a bit. Anyhow in all pieces I tried dissecting them to try and see if there was a piece of scratch or something in it but I wasn't 100% sure. In the center of the big one it was likely but the light yellow color of pus was hard to separate from a small piece of scratch so I'm not really sure. But now her eye is completely open with no sign of swelling at all. I'm not sure how well she can see from her eye as there is some slight cloudiness but she is perfect otherwise. The tylan200 I tried before surgery Bc everywhere I read and feed supply workers all recommended doing it before to see if the swelling would go down. I gave 1cc orally for 3 days, but no sign of improvement. After surgery I did not give anymore tylan. Only used vetrycin. I'd check that you got all of the pus out, my guess is that any little piece left will continue to irritate the eye. Of course that is assuming it's just something in the eye and not any other underlying respiratory issues :(
That inner eyelid is tricky to really see under, so it's very possible something may still be under it. Good luck and I hope he gets comfortable and better soon!! Keep us posted!

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