Swollen eye lids


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 8, 2013
[/IMG][/IMG]Hi all,
I've been reading this forum intently since I got chicks a few days ago, and it's been great :). I have two six week old Isa browns & I first thought one was just a bit ugly, but now I think her eyelid is swollen. The only thing I can find that looks like it is on this page about halfway down that they're calling 'long eye' http://dqfarm.blogspirit.com/chickens/. Does anyone have any idea what it could be? I'll try & get a picture when she wakes up in the morning. The eye itself seems fine. Thanks :) ok I've put up a couple of photos, one of each eye (& one cos I thought it was cute, sorry). I wanted to get the other chick for comparison but she's busy with breakfast. And ideas? Thanks
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Here are the pics!



The top one is the bad eye, the bottom the good (just for comparison) it looks worse when she's trying to look up, as the lid gets in the way. If anyone has any idea, that's be great. Especially if it's a) nothing wrong, b( easily treatable :). The other one is just cos she's cute, although she's little bugger of a chicken. Not like th eother one at all.
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