Swollen face cheeks

Thanks all for your input! I think its the infection one its funny that one mentioned flagyl cuz that's what it reminds me of. I remember taking that when I was younger... Cant get that but the fishzole I can get for 5 bucks a pill but as I recall its slow going. Shes got a fever tonight. I so wish I had caught this sooner.. So the baytril or tylan shots wont help at all then? I was hoping shot would help but I don't want to give her something to make it worse. I'm gonna tube feed her some scrambled egg and a tiny bit of layer mashed up. I don't think its canker due to the bright yellowish stuff packed in sides and her tongue getting it on it, I am not sure. I guess ill hit the feed store in the am I should have already done that today but I am having tooth ache from hell lol
It seems they are both pretty much the same the canker and trich.. cant spell. I am reading everything again thanks for links.
I got the pills at the feed store. They were 1.70 a pill not so bad. I gave her one tonight. I dissolved it and with a tube attached to syringe I got it past the breathe hole, but I cant get tube down her throat as it is almost completely closed with growth! She was swallowing It seemed to go down. I am going to pm the person you all mentioned to find out about the growths. thanks
I think you need to get really aggressive with the tweezers and get that pus out. You might even be able to loosen it by squeezing her cheeks like you would a pimple. Not gonna lie, it will be painful for her, but you have you get it out. There is also a chance that it will bleed a lot.

Where in California are you? Are you close to UC Davis or Turlock? If so, you could take a sample of the pus to either lab and have it checked for a small fee.

Once you get the pus out you will need to tube fluids, then fluids and food.

Ok thanks I was really hoping the medicine would kill the present growth. Do ya think that if I use the copper sulfate/apple cider mixture and squirt it on the yellow stuff it might help "kill" it before I go digging around in there?
She has lost soo much weight I am afraid to stress her out that much. She probably only weighs a bit over a pound shes light as a feather, scary skinny.
I am not disputing your advice I do appreciate it very much. I am just wondering what good the meds are if they don't kill the fungus or canker or whatever it is called. Thanks
Ok thanks I was really hoping the medicine would kill the present growth. Do ya think that if I use the copper sulfate/apple cider mixture and squirt it on the yellow stuff it might help "kill" it before I go digging around in there?
She has lost soo much weight I am afraid to stress her out that much. She probably only weighs a bit over a pound shes light as a feather, scary skinny.
I am not disputing your advice I do appreciate it very much. I am just wondering what good the meds are if they don't kill the fungus or canker or whatever it is called. Thanks

I hear ya... I've only treated true canker twice, and that was in pigeons. Each time I removed the pus, gave metronidazole and they got better. With her being as thin as she is, you're between a rock and a hard spot. Too much stress could kill her, but she will die if you can't get fluids into her. At this point she is probably very dehydrated, which needs to be corrected ASAP. Then she needs calories.

Would be best to get a kitchen scale and weigh her in grams. Then give fluids at 2-3 ml per 100 grams and repeat in 60-90 minutes. Total fluid intake *per day* should be no less than 10 ml per 100 grams.

It's also possible that it's a bacterial infection.

Thanks Kathy. I have noticed the growth is shrinking and turning darkish color it seems to be "dying" I am also swabbing inside of mouth with a diluted bentadine on Qtip every couple of days. This is 3rd day of pill I did read that its best to make sure there is a bit of food in crop before giving the pill mixture.

"Metronidazole is not given on empty stomach,it can cause stomach disturbances. Better if u give it 30 mins after feeding. It will give better results. Coated tablet prevents them from vomiting(if it occurs). You can give powder also the chemical composition of powdered or tablet metronidazole is the same, but dosage should be correct."

"It depends on the severity, canker lesions may fall off after third day. Usually 5-7 days of treatment is a must. The treatment may be continued for few more days to build up immunity. Yes,giving the med once a day will suffice as metronidazole stays in the system for about 24 hours.

These quotes are from Jass SamOplay at "PigeonTalk" site. Seems logical as pigeons have this disease often. They are saying that the medicine does kill the canker growths and messing with them could be harmful to the bird. Just another opinion, myself I would much rather not dig around in her mouth I will post the results of this treatment as it continues. Thanks again for all your help ladies.
I do hope the canker continues to "die".
Thank you for updating. If you can continue to post an update (progress report) that will be helpful for reference in the future.
Also an updated photo when you can.
Best Wishes

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