Swollen Head Syndrome??? Please help!!!


6 Years
Hello! This past day my BO hen, Omelette, head swelled up. It is just her left side that is swelled. She was perfectly normal all day and I'm pretty sure she didn't go anywhere she normally doesn't. Even with her swollen head she is still eating, drinking, pooping, and functioning totally normal. Is this something I should be concerned about it while it eventually go away? Thank you!!!
This is her swollen side

This is her normal side

If you have any advice I would appreciate it!!!
She may possibly have a respiratory sinus infection. Is she having noisy breathing, nasal or eye drainage, sneezing or cough? Could she have been pecked or stung by something around her face? Do you see any marks at all around the swollen area where she may have been pecked or stung? Here is a good link to read about the common respiratory infections such as MG and coryza, that may cause swelling of the face: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044
Hello! This past day my BO hen, Omelette, head swelled up. It is just her left side that is swelled. She was perfectly normal all day and I'm pretty sure she didn't go anywhere she normally doesn't. Even with her swollen head she is still eating, drinking, pooping, and functioning totally normal. Is this something I should be concerned about it while it eventually go away? Thank you!!!
This is her swollen side

This is her normal side

If you have any advice I would appreciate it!!!

There are many pathogens that can cause swollen face in chickens.
Red this links I think that you will fined some possible answer to your problem.

(I see that eggsessiv already gave yo the first one, it is a goo link!)
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