Swollen legs and red butt


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 13, 2014
Hi everyone! I'm new to chickens and to the forum.. I got a bunch of chicks from tractor supply about 4 or 5 weeks ago.. They are all doing great except one has been a little different. First of all she has grown at an exponential rate as compared with the others.. She initially was really slow to grow feathers so I separated her from the bunch until they grew in. Additionally since her huge growth spurt her legs have seemed really swollen and tender and her butt is somewhat red with weird lookin feathers. She lays down ALOT so I suspect her legs are tender.

She eats like a horse compared to the others and seems to be pooping normally.

I really think their is something wrong with her legs bc when she does walk he waddles.. All of my other cicks are very active and run and jump around but Gertie just lays there and eats ...

Any thoughts? I had them on the medicated feed for two weeks and then switched to regular chick feed.

I've been giving her probiotics for weeks.

Any thoughts? Will try to post pics of her red butt and giant legs

Thanks so much for any help.. I've asked two vets in town and they both don't know birds.

And thanks for the great website and resources! Glad to be a part of the chicken community!!
I mainly am worried about her swollen legs..

They are symmetric. Nothing suspicious for infection or injury. I'm not sure if the butt is that unusual but was wondering if there could be some infection down there that was leading to her very swollen and tender legs, funny gait, and immobility

Thanks for any thoughts
Welcome to BYC!!!! look like a healthy Cornish cross to me (Cornish cross are meat birds). I had one as a pet for a year. mine always laid down because her legs could not support her weight. they are breed to grow fast and eat like horses.
her butt looks fine there skin is just naturally red. She will never be as active as the other chicks But ours liked to sit on our lap and cluck at us she was a vary good pet. ours did lay a few eggs (some soft shell eggs) they are not bread to lay eggs. If you have any more questions I would be happy to answer to the best of my knowledge.
Your vary welcome. I'm just glad I could help, also I'm pretty sure your supposed take her food away at night and give it back every morning ( that's what everybody tells me to do, not sure what for, but it never hurt mine)
So You are definitely right about her being a Cornish cross... For sure... She's enormous

I've been reading about them and I think Gertrude may now be suffering from heart failure. She has been panting pretty much all the time and get really short of breath after just a few steps.. In people we use diuretics to get some of the fluid off.. Is there anything I can do for her besides limiting her food intake?
I never used diuretics( not even sure what those are ) . I just limited her food intake, she was a great pet for a year. I would try different methods to keep her cooler then the other chickens ( Mine only panted when she was warm or sleeping ) If I were you I'd keep doing research on treatments . you probably know more than me now.
Hope you find something to help Gertrude.

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