swollen tear duct or something worse?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
I have a BA who just tonight showed up with a large swollen something in the front of her eye. It seems soft and filled with fluid, but she has no discharge, no fluid of the outside of the eye, no runny nose, no other symptoms.

She is 25 weeks old
Eating layer feed
bedding in pine shavings with some Food Grade DE
She has her coop and an enclosed run
hasn't been long enough to notice anything with her eggs
She seems to be eating and drinking fine

now the photo. You will see in the part closest to the beak a swollen soft lump that actually seems to be competing with the eye for the eye space.


So what do you think it is? Will it go away? Do we need to treat it? Do we need to quarantine her? Do we need to cull?

Thoughts please...

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