Sydneys baby chicks

Yes, thanks everyone. I think they are quite adorable too.

But I think Buffy wants to steal them from Sydney. So I had to make it so she could not get in the nest with her. I have not seen her bother the bantams and their little nest for some time now. Her comb was a little bloody and her beak area yesterday. I am thinking she tried to get in with them but they all ganged up on her or something.

Or that could have been Rizzo. We had a little incident with him getting out of the back yard and going down to the barn for a visit. Eveyone is ok. Though Lucky did try to take him on and lost some feathers and also got some bite wounds. The vet lady next door helped them out. And she even laid an egg today. So I think I may let her out of solitary confinement tonight. I will check her out later and decide then.

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