Taking the Plunge.


7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
Hello all,

We have finally decided to take the plunge and get us some chickens!

I am excited yet apprehensive at the same time. I hope I am starting out right and not over looking anything.

We are currently shopping around trying to figure out the bare basics we need to start out.

Hubby is feeling adventurous and wanting to build a coop like the Catawba coops so we can move it around to keep the smell down because that is my number ONE reason for not getting them so far. We dont want to upset the neighbors even tho they dont live right on top of us so to speak.

We are on a 3/4 acre lot In Missouri (zoned county)with a big fenced in back yard and a large garden with a lab and 2 kids. I think chickens, once we figure them out will make a lovely addition.

My only concern so far is how to take care of them when winter hits, how do they get exercise in snow?
Do they like to run around in it a little?
I might just move them into the garage for the winter.

The girls I am thinking about getting ( I only eat brown eggs all other ones gross me out oddly) are,

Buff Oprington
Black Sex Link
Red Sex Link
Barred Plymouth Rock.

I am lucky that there is a good sized nursery near me and I can goin to pick them up so I wont have shipping problems.

So thats me (Puffy) and the chicks which I hope will be equally "puffy"
Hello welcome to byc. :) my chickens hate the winter. They don't like touching the snow on there feet. But all chickens are different. As far as exercise I didn't really worry about it they didn't want to come out cause of the snow.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan :D

My chickens also hate snow. However, they have a roomie cozy coop, and every so often I throw a flake of hay or straw into their run, and they happily come out to scratch around in it.
Hello and :welcome

Love your username! :lol: I've had no experience with chickens and snow, but every flock is different: some hate it, some like it. If you have a covered coop, they will be able to get plenty of exercise in there, especially if like 1muttsfan said, you throw in some hay for them to scratch around in.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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