talk about ducks and need some advice

ok thanks
Be sure you have straw,or hay as a bedding.
I have heard of chicks and ducklings eating Wood shavings,and chok eon them,and yes die.

As far as meds,I would feed them Purina Poultry feed.
Ducklings can't have antibiotics.If you do,your just asking for another death.They become limp,and adventually,the Antibiotics gets to their heart,and kills the.

At your feedstore,they should have small packages that say Probiotics.It should have a turkey,chick,and duckling on it,and should be blue.
They should have it,but since it's winter and not chicks are being born,they may not.They will have them in stock come this spring if you decide to get more ducklings or chicks.

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