Talk to me about pendulent crop

You are already employing the best strategy to preventing this from recurring - observing her behavior. At the first symptom of crop malfunction, her behavior will be noticeably different. You will then examine her crop, massage if necessary, readjust the crop bra, and if yeast begins to colonize, you will treat.
Thank you! I'm learning every day and you taught this lesson well. I'm so very appriciativ
You've received some pretty thorough information so I don't really have much to add to it.

The missing feathers could be from the heavy crop rubbing on perches or the ground. Or the swollen crop could be making the feathers appear sparse.

I'll address the crop bra because it sounds like it's something you could try. You don't need to sew. You can glue the pieces together. I use a four inch square of sturdy cloth with twelve inch long strips of elastic bandage.

To adjust the bra properly requires monitoring the crop morning and night for several days running. You will know it's properly adjusted when you find the crop completely empty come morning.View attachment 1264727 View attachment 1264728
Just made one for my hen, will put on to fit


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