Talk to me about scratch


7 Years
Jan 16, 2017
Suburbs of Chicago
I feed my ladies pellets in the feeder. What is scratch, and do I need to give it to them? Is it just an extra food you throw on the ground for them to forage for?
Scratch is generally a mixed grains feed that can be used as a treat and even as a maintenance feed in some situations - not sufficient for growth, breeding, or egg laying.

Thank you!! I figured it was more of a supplement. I was thinking of getting some to throw in the run so they can forage while they’re in there.
I only use scratch to train my chickens to come when called, no questions asked. Not many treats will excite my flock quite like me shaking the scratch container. I can have all 38, usually scattered over a couple acres, in the run in 1.5 to 2 minutes. You just never know when you need to secure them for safety’s sake.

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