Talking to the neighbors to the rear of us went much


7 Years
May 14, 2012
Northern Utah
better than I expected. I went over, introduced myself, and explained we have what we think are five hens but if one's a rooster we'll get rid of it. "Oh, I just love roosters!" exclaimed the wife.

Well, we can't have them here. I then told them to please let us know if they had any issues with noise or anything else. "We love the sound of chickens! We each grew up on a farm!"

Then we got into a long discussion about our cats. They're huge cat people, so are we. They have a cat who looks just like my cat.

PHEW. I am so relieved.
I don't have to worry about them being loud. The wife works graveyards (which is great to know for loud, morning activities on the weekend!) but is usually up by 11 AM. I made a note of which days she's on graveyards. The woman I grew up next door to worked graveyards and my mom always ensured we were reasonably quiet in the back yard if we were playing near the house.
It is so nice to hear about neighbors who actually like chickens! Glad you talked to them and are being so considerate of the "noise" levels - that should go a long way to keeping things more than civil.
I didn't realize how concerned I was until I got it over with. I feel very lucky.
That is great news and yes, I think you are lucky
Neighbours can make your break your happiness at a property and it sounds like you have super neighbours!

I am also extremely fortunate with my neighbours. We tried to keep a cockerel, told them about it and they didn't make a fuss. But, within a short time it was *us* that found it too much so we returned him to the farm. Afterwards, the neighbours admitted they missed his calls!

I've expanded onto ducks as well as hens now and my neighbour admitted that when his clients (he's a personal trainer) hear my ducks, he pops his head over the fence to show them mine
"Not being nosey - just fascinated" he tells me
Oh and they never say no to a weekly bribe "token" of fresh eggs

How very kind of you to consider her graveyard shifts (and how wise your own mother was!) My dh works shifts and although my immediate neighbour isn't noisey in the slightest - my previous neighbours were horrendous! Good on you!!!!

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