taming your keets

My chickens are becoming more and more tame, and my meets are becoming more and more skittish. They just don't understand that I am their friend!
I feel like I'm chasing them yelling "let me love you!!!"

That's about how I feel! I had a blue one that was somewhat tame in that he didn't run away instantly because I spoiled him by giving him Japanese beetles whenever he came near me. But they never want you to hold them!
That's about how I feel! I had a blue one that was somewhat tame in that he didn't run away instantly because I spoiled him by giving him Japanese beetles whenever he came near me. But they never want you to hold them!
Our guinea is the same way. We raised him with the chicks, held him as much as we held them, but regardless he is not "cuddly" like the chickens are. My 15 year old is the only one that can catch him whenever she wants, and he actually sleeps in her arms. She strokes his chin under his wattles or along his neck and he just totally zones out. Its the absolute quietest time with him! However with anyone else, he will stay just out of reach if you have any intention to touch him. He eats out of hand readily, and stays close with the hens so for the most part Periwinkle has not been a total nightmare!
Yeah, they are just too wild. Maybe someone will better domesticate them in the next few centuries, but for now we are just going to have to deal with their wild antics.
If you have one single keet it should be very easy to tame it. My first time with guineas, I had two. These two were very skittish and afraid during the first week but we held them everyday for several hours. We also let them play in our lap and perch on our shoulders. They would fall asleep on our shoulders every night before we transferred them back to the brooder. We also fed them lots of treats. The more treats you feed them from hand the more tame they will be. Ive had this pair of guineas for over 7 years now and they know their names, come when called, and love to be around us. Of course they arent cuddly animals like chickens. The female hates being held but the male once you catch him (fairly easy since he comes when called) will sit their and make happy chirps. One of the keets that I bred from this pair was an only keet so we brought her inside. She hated being away from us and would cry each night so she would sleep with us at night until we got her some friends. She still liked us over the friends though. This was the first cuddly guinea we had and probably the last. She loved people. She would crawl into our laps while we sat outside and just sit there. She wasnt a fan of being petted but she liked being cuddled. Unfortunately the chickens and other guineas didnt like her and bullied her. She would wait by the back door everyday for us but we couldnt be outside with her all the time so she went to a petting zoo.
If you have one single keet it should be very easy to tame it. My first time with guineas, I had two. These two were very skittish and afraid during the first week but we held them everyday for several hours. We also let them play in our lap and perch on our shoulders. They would fall asleep on our shoulders every night before we transferred them back to the brooder. We also fed them lots of treats. The more treats you feed them from hand the more tame they will be. Ive had this pair of guineas for over 7 years now and they know their names, come when called, and love to be around us. Of course they arent cuddly animals like chickens. The female hates being held but the male once you catch him (fairly easy since he comes when called) will sit their and make happy chirps. One of the keets that I bred from this pair was an only keet so we brought her inside. She hated being away from us and would cry each night so she would sleep with us at night until we got her some friends. She still liked us over the friends though. This was the first cuddly guinea we had and probably the last. She loved people. She would crawl into our laps while we sat outside and just sit there. She wasnt a fan of being petted but she liked being cuddled. Unfortunately the chickens and other guineas didnt like her and bullied her. She would wait by the back door everyday for us but we couldnt be outside with her all the time so she went to a petting zoo.

I have 5 that hate me unless I throw them food. I don't really care, I'm keeping it in the back of my head that I might end up eating at least one of them if I have a high ratio of males!

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