Tammy's on strike! HELP!!

ginger c.

8 Years
Apr 20, 2011
ok, so here's the scoop our precious Tammy hasn't laid an egg in almost 2 months
. what the heck? we thought she was starting to molt several weeks back, she had some bald patches on her neck. no one was picking at her, she's still eatng, drinking and playing. just no eggs.her feathers have grown back and she looks beautiful as usual. we did rehome our 2 silkie roosters about 4 weeks ago, could she be missing Piper, the love of her life
. the other 3 girls are laying like clockwork. any help would be appreciated!
Could be she is missing the roo; the shorter days - now beginning to get longer; the molt or all of the above. As they days get longer she should begin to lay again. It's just different from one chicken to the next. Hang in there.
thanks for the incouragment! if she is missing her boyfriend i hope she gets over it soon, he was mean as a snake, attacked me every chance he got!

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