Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

All I can say is all of you( Moby, Mille, Fat Daddy, Tonya) absolutely rock and I can't think all of you enough for bringing me in on this and making me a part of it. It is nice and I thank you for being honest. Before you guys I was fed so much bull I almost gave up. These are the first true jumbo size birds I have had. So many sell so called Jumbo's but none measured up until you guys gifted these to me.

I also want to thank James Marie Farms. His birds are excellent and he was the second I got huge birds from.

Thanks again GUYs & GALs. You are a great group to be associated with!!
I received my eggs today from Tarzan. They are WOW..... BIG compare to my standard coturnix I got from craigslist. Now I understand what it is all about. I can't wait to put them in. I actually have some of mine hatching right now as I speak. Tarzan's eggs can't arrived at a better time!

Anyway back to the topic at hand. How long has this project been going on? I am guessing around 2 1/2 yrs. to get 10 gen.?
to keep the record straight, nobody is at ten yet, most is 7-8, someone should be at ten generations by this fall is what I said.

bill sent me the 3rd generation co-op birds last june. I am working on the 7th generation. I think Mille and DT are just a little ahead of me.

the bigger picture is that this is not just one person or lab working this line of birds, we have branched out, we have traded stock, we have helped each other get coveys to sustainable positions, this line of birds will make it to the 10th, 15th even 20th generations now without worry because we have so many different cages and generations going.

We picked Stewards that are not worried about selling their stock or eggs and so the focus is on the birds and the project.

and we have documented for all to see the facts and the progress of the project from the beginning.

I have always said I am just the scribe for the project and I truly appreciate everyone on the tatanka team's hardwork and dedication to these birds.
the bigger picture is that this is not just one person or lab working this line of birds, we have branched out, we have traded stock, we have helped each other get coveys to sustainable positions, this line of birds will make it to the 10th, 15th even 20th generations now without worry because we have so many different cages and generations going.

We picked Stewards that are not worried about selling their stock or eggs and so the focus is on the birds and the project.

and we have documented for all to see the facts and the progress of the project from the beginning.

I have always said I am just the scribe for the project and I truly appreciate everyone on the tatanka team's hardwork and dedication to these birds.

i think this will be a really good thing in the long run... the TX A&M's, butler bobwhites and so many others went down hill fast once the original breeder got out of the business...
Well lets go over how I got started & where I am today with this little brown bird we call "Tatanka", the first eggs that I received were from Fatdaddy, My journey begins on 3/6/12 with 4 chicks.
Thanks for all you are doing folks. Pretty soon soon I will be starting a flock of jumbo browns and will be using this as a guide for my breeding program. I am just waiting on my equipment to arrive. I will be building my own incubator and plan to start a thread on all my progress as I go. The basic plan so far is eat the small ones, breed the big ones, and only hatch big eggs...

Thanks, J

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