Teacher Seeking Chicken Help! (What to do with chicks after?)

Oh, my goodness! Keep an eye on them! Anyway, I've just been informed that the eggs are Rhode Island Reds!!! In a way, I think I'm more excited than the kids!
Linda in San Diego wrote : I am a teacher in San Diego. Why in the world woud you start chicks without a plan? If I could not keep my chicks I would have a plan - what is yours?

Thanks to advice, my plan is to A. send home notes with the kids, and B. use BYC.​
I would stick to Plan B because they might not receive the best care but if you do send home notes send the parents a link to BYC so they can get great info on chick/chicken care.
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How old are the kids in your class??? You could also contact the High School in your area and see if the Ag instructor (usually the Ag teacher is the FFA Director) could ask any of the FFA students if they want chickens. Thats if the High School in your area has FFA. If not you could ask the local 4-h poultry members.

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