Technical coop building question.

Very nice. The build is coming along nicely. It is impressive watching you two build that in that weather. Warm huh. Today was 72 and I was sweating when I was in the sun. I'm also curious as to how long that stain takes to dry. I use a lot of Sikkens and have always waited for warmer days.

Was wondering same....longer to dry and might not cure well if temps are too low.

..... the roof is on!!!

Things I learned from this weekend:
1. The screws that come with the metal roofs are too long and will stick out into the coop and run and will be a huge project to try to snip off the points? Any suggestions?
2. We tried 3 methods of cutting the metal roof jigsaw (broke the blade), Dremmel with metal cutting blade (both battery packs died too quickly), and finally we used a circular saw with the blade turned backwards (cut it like butter)
3. When cutting metal roofing use eye and ear protection. It's crazy loud and little pieces of sharp metal go everywhere. The neighbors have no doubt something is going on over here.
4. If possible stain your wood ahead of time. That way you can paint in a comfortable position. I could not do this because the weather was just too cold for staining prior to this weekend. But is is body breaking to paint looking up and on a ladder or lying on the ground on your back painting the underside of the coop etc.
Looks great!
I'd use the dremel and a heavy cut off blade...I do this all the time with too long screws and bolts.
That is a great idea about the dremmel tool. I did not think of using the dremmel that is sitting on the bench in plain site. I am going to get it out and remove all of the cubes. It will be a much cleaner look.

The only problem is my dremmel is cordless and is runs down really really fast but Ill try it or I'll do the cubes. Just dont want to bump my head on those things. Also, the stain is dry. The manufacturers directions say as long as its above 35F for 24 to 48 hours. So I couldn't do anymore staining today because its going to get into the 20's tonight. Today I put up some trim pieces and started assembling my people door to the run. I didn't take pictures, oops. I really want to get this done so I have the option to brood the chicks outdoors if I decide to do that. I would like to have the option. If the weather holds up its possible. Too bad we have to work :)
@aart I have two batteries so when one runs out I can use the others. I mostly use it with a sander wheel to trim my dogs toes and after 8 feet it's dead. I'll give it a try though.
@aart I have two batteries so when one runs out I can use the others. I mostly use it with a sander wheel to trim my dogs toes and after 8 feet it's dead. I'll give it a try though.
Oooo Wish I had two batts!
I use the drum sander for the dogs nails too!
This is what I use to cut screws and such:
Wow! It's been 4 days since I updated my thread. The weather has been outstanding for coop building. Really weird for February, it was in the 60's and one day hit 70's. That's more like May and June weather but I'll take it

So we got the hardware cloth on. It took all of one day like 8 solid hours.


We got it all sandwich with 2x4's also. Then we moved on to the door inside the run. My DH wanted to mitre the corners and we made a huge mistake. We framed the whole think forgetting we needed to fix the hinges tonome side. This is just something that happens when you are working without a plan. Things happen, mistakes happen. So we had to reframe the whole thing and then just fudge it to make the hinges and door work.


Also I made the pop sliding door from the coop to the run. I spent many many minutes just pondering how to do this. Why I could not wrap my head around this concept I will never understand because it was pretty simple in the end.



Here's the finished product

Also my waves are open in the coop and the run. Again we had to fudge how to predator proof it. Not pretty but it got the job done

As you can see I painted my coop too. Don't love the off white color but I'm hoping it will grow on me. I wanted to paint it a fun color but I was over-ruled by my DH. He wants it to match the house and shed. I may have a surprise or two coming up though.

I also have a chicken door from under the coop to outside where I plan on fencing off an area in the woods for the chickens to free range. Got some work done on that but didn't take the final finished picture for some reason. I'll take one tomorrow.



My DH took Thursday and Friday off this week. We put in 8 to 6 hours each day. Everything takes way longer than you think.

Our other huge delay/problem is the pain in the neck screws from the roof hanging into the coop and the run. We tried everything to snip them flush. We do not want to bang our head and have a screw imbedded into our skull. We tried the dremmel, did not touch them. We tried the sawzall....nothing, hack saw....nope!!!! So we put little blocks of woods over the screw tips and then realized as we screwed the little blocks on we were loosening the screws on the roof!
so back on the roof to Re-tighten the screws!!!! How could a sawzall NOT work. What are these screws made of?????? Anyway back at it tomorrow and hopefully I'll update again.

Thanks for following along and thanks for the continued support. About 17 days until my chicks arrive
Wine corks work well. Cut one in half and you can cover 2 screws. They are soft enough that the screw goes into them without loosening and there's already a hole in them from the corkscrew. Plus its a great excuse to drink lots of wine!
Wally world or hardware store will have a 3 and 1/2" or 4" angle grinder Anywhere from $20-35 bucks should have a grinding wheel with it. Just make sure you have ahold of it with 2 hands. That is what I'd do to get rid of them points. In fact I used timberlocks today on a door on the doghouse/firewood shed I am also working on. I need to grind those points down 2 and 1/2" screws on a 2 and 1/4" door.


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