Tell How Predators Got Your Chickens. Save Somebody Else From The Bad Experience

I'll say you've been beyond patient. It would be hard to kill such a sweet dog, especially when it sounds like that happened through ignorance and mismanagement...they basically pointed the dog to your chickens, prob let the dog out to potty and its gone. I'm sure you know it will be back. Just catch the dog and rehome it for the animal the next state...the ground is too hard to dig in this time of year. I only have a small run, could never keep all the chickens in it...just chicks and broodies for a little I really depend on my mutts to run predators off.
I'll say you've been beyond patient. It would be hard to kill such a sweet dog, especially when it sounds like that happened through ignorance and mismanagement...they basically pointed the dog to your chickens, prob let the dog out to potty and its gone. I'm sure you know it will be back. Just catch the dog and rehome it for the animal the next state...the ground is too hard to dig in this time of year. I only have a small run, could never keep all the chickens in it...just chicks and broodies for a little I really depend on my mutts to run predators off.
They did buy one of those invisible electric perimeter fence thingies. The one where the dog wheres the collar and gets shocked when they leave the yard. She managed to get out after they got it installed, though, because they didn't train her with it. She hasn't been out of it in a while, though, so maybe she's learned. We are still prepared for her to come back. One of the families is moving, and the other had a pen built for their 2 dogs the very next day, and he now walks his dogs on leash. They haven't been out unaccompanied since the attack. The family that is moving hasn't paid and hasn't faithfully kept their dogs put up, but they haven't been near our house and since they are leaving we probably won't pursue compensation. It's only $75 and they don't seem to have any intention of paying it, and we sure aren't going to court over $75 if they are going to leave anyways.
If Lady does come back, according to the law, we can only take her to the shelter if her owners sign surrender papers (which they won't do). We filed a report with the sheriff's office and they said the best we can do is shoot her if she comes back. They got in touch with Lady's family to let them know that they would stand by us if we had to shoot her and that we had every right to do so if she came onto our property again. I certainly won't be returning her again. This is bullcorn. I can just now fall asleep without visions of waking up and finding Lady digging into my coop. That dog can climb, dig, or jump over anything, which is why (they told us) they had such a hard time containing her. I hope their perimeter fence continues to keep her away from my flock. I really, really don't want to shoot her, which is the only reason she's still alive.
LaynaDon95, holy moly! what a nightmare you've endured... hope those moving neighbors move quickly... and Lady is one dang lucky dog... there is not one resident on this mountain top who would not have shot her by now. We all hope you can keep getting peaceful sleep!
LaynaDon95, holy moly! what a nightmare you've endured... hope those moving neighbors move quickly... and Lady is one dang lucky dog... there is not one resident on this mountain top who would not have shot her by now. We all hope you can keep getting peaceful sleep!
It's been a bit crazy. When we first moved into this house a little over 3 years ago, we had 1 cat. That was it. And he was the ugliest, grouch of a mouser kitty you have ever (not) met, I assure you. I have always been an animal person, but never allowed to animals, so I made friends with the neighborhood dogs. Lady was/is the friendliest dog in the neighborhood. And she is gorgeous!! She would follow me when I would take walks and I fell in love with her. I always joked about stealing her and hiding her in my bedroom. She has these icy blue eyes. She was my favorite dog until I got Maggie, my very first puppy. Maggie loved playing with her. Lady would follow Maggie home and play with her every time I took her on a walk. (before I got chickens) Maggie and I both loved her. You can see why I was so attached to her, I'm sure. That's why I've struggled with shooting her. The other dogs, as harsh as it may sound, I have no attachment to. I really don't think I would struggle for a moment about killing them, other than the fact that I do love dogs and would hate to have to kill one. But Lady... that's a whole other story. I do have an attachment to her. Of course I don't blame her for killing my chickens. The owners knew it was a problem and refused to take necessary measures to prevent her from killing my animals, even when they knew she had killed chickens in the past and had enjoyed doing so. It is their fault that Lady is in this position. It is their fault I am in this position. It is their fault that my little sisters and brother may very well have to watch me kill one of their favorite dogs. Is that fair? No. But what can I do about it? When it comes down to it, I have to and will do it if she comes back on to my property. I have to protect my animals.
And thank you, very much. Things are definitely calmer now. I just hope they stay that way.
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I do hear you... I am like you, not into unnecessary killing, love all animals, can't even be too angry with the fox that took my 2... even tho' there is a lot of food for the fox besides our feathered families, we 3 families that live here year round all lost birds, my neighbor a duck and the folks down the hill, 3 roos and 1 hen. but the guy across the street got one fox.
I live in a rural "right to farm" county, so essentially, it's legal to shoot any animal that damages your crops or harasses your critters...peoples pets included...(thankfully, common sense dictates that you don't shoot someone's loose cow or horse, you'll have to reimburse...) my main concern is revenge... if I have to shoot my neighbors dog for killing my chickens, and my little Pug gets across the street to pee... will he shoot her for being on his property??? (He's kinda nuts and very litigious... the property owner next to him, who doesn't live here, petitioned to subdivide his property and build homes... my neighbor sued him on the pretense that his already sulfur scented water would become tainted by the addition of 3 homes next door to his property.) I keep my distance, his wife is super nosy... wish I could afford to buy them out... I would love to own the whole mountaintop someday, put up a big fence... keep out all the predators, animal and citiot!
Cheeka makes good points..."Common Sense" . I might add if your not good with guns and the proper gun to use leave that part to somebody who is. A person who doesn't care enough to keep their dog away from your property is probably not going to take a wounded dog to the vet. How would you feel if the dog got away dragging his leg? Dogs don't "deserve" to suffer because some moron lets them roam. Do the job right. A clean quick kill after much consideration and its the only option left.
I hate hearing these stories of dogs killing our chickens. We are pretty certain that dogs are what killed my 8 eight week old chicks a couple months ago. It was hard going out to find them all dead. I really didn't know what it was at first, there were many opinions from others but the very next morning my husband saw three feral dogs in the front yard that he hadn't seen before. He said he was certain they were the culprits because one was blond and one was gray. I found both colors of dog hair on the wiring of the coop. It was very early in the morning and they were in the front yard where my husband could not get a shot in, we would have to catch them in the back where it would be safe to shoot toward the woods... We saw them about a week later across the street in a neighbors yard. After that I was told two of them were hit by cars. I am not sorry! Glad they are gone.

I have the biggest heart for animals, have always loved them BUT I will not hesitate to shoot one if it gets in my yard around my chickens with intent to harm them. Or if they are stray and they come sniffin around I will take them out. It is my duty to take care of my animals.

I know it's not the dogs fault, they have prey drive but I can't allow them to hurt my innocent chickens.
Of course I don't blame her for killing my chickens. The owners knew it was a problem and refused to take necessary measures to prevent her from killing my animals, even when they knew she had killed chickens in the past and had enjoyed doing so. It is their fault that Lady is in this position. It is their fault I am in this position. It is their fault that my little sisters and brother may very well have to watch me kill one of their favorite dogs. Is that fair? No. But what can I do about it?
Sometimes I wish you could shoot the neighbor :) I mean...they apparently are missing the 'common sense' to take care of their animals, and it would most likely be doing the world a favor, kind of like culling the flock? It really ticks me off to see animals go down because a person taught them bad behavior or failed to care for them. I used to care for dogs as a profession and it amazed me that you could always tell which dogs had the proper care and which did not, within a few minutes of talking to the owners...or with the dogs. Animal kindness isn't always letting them live.
That dog can climb, dig, or jump over anything, which is why (they told us) they had such a hard time containing her. I hope their perimeter fence continues to keep her away from my flock.
See I have two dogs, both can imagine how they react the moment they hit the door when something is in our yard. For those reasons I have had electric collars (they ate them off each other lol), I have had a picket fence, now privacy fence, training,and a lot of work one on one with my dogs. They still bark, they still will tree an animal in the back yard, but it is our responsibility to keep them in our back yard and safe. When they bark I check it out right away, they only bark for two reasons ...something is there that shouldn't be or they want to come back in. My largest dog is named Maggie and she is a black and tan coonhound that looks scary (i think she has some rottweiler in her), but is sweet as can be. She is not the brightest bulb, and that means we have to do more to protect her. She is fiercely protective of her yard and does perimeter checks every time she goes out. The Beagles Basset mix will howl if a stranger comes into the yard or she sees something wrong, but for the most part she is smarter. They used to dig so much, we had a running joke that if we ever get robbed they better go through the front yard, because they will break their ankle in the back yard. They are dogs though...they only know their instinct and what we teach them. Sadly if they destroyed someones property...I would expect them to be put down humanely. If they get loose and get hit by a car...its my dogs, my mistake...I hate people who blame drivers for that or think that it is mean to rehome a dog who bit someone.

Anyways Layna, as sad as it is to see Lady go, just remember that she is relying on these people to care for her, and since they are obviously doing such a poor job, you may be doing her a favor. She might be young and free now, but when she is older, who is going to care for her? What if someone else finds her...will they kill her humanely? What if someone just poisoned her or hurt her? I know that it sucks, but keep telling yourself that its out of kindness for all of the animals, yours and theirs.

Back to the thread though....Does anyone have problems with other birds trying to come in? I met someone yesterday who said she has other ducks trying to call her house their home...and she constantly is trying to keep those ducks out. Does this happen to anyone? I cant imagine wild chickens...but turkeys and ducks yes...and we have tons of birds lately...even have a nest under my deck by the run right now....
And also, NEVER NEVER NEVER forget to lock your flock in the coop at dusk. You forgot that one. =P
I'm especially fond of that rule, seeing as I would have a lot more laying hens if I hadn't forgotten a few weeks ago!!

I don't want you to feel too bad about that LaynaDon. Why? Because, being a newbie, and having these babies for 4 1/2 months, nursing them back from coccidiosos, learning how to deal with lice, spending an arm and a leg at the feed store.....and.... after writing those notes to self rules yesterday......last night.....for the very first time.......

I forgot to lock them in at dusk!!!

They are all fine.
How did I forget?
I walked in through the people door and checked on a couple of them and then went to bed. Too many doors. Guess I should always turn around and look one last time.
What can I say? BAAAD Chicken Mom.

BTW, I have a friend who forgot to let his chickens out one day. All 25 died from the heat.
I'm not throwing rocks at anyone.

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