Tell me how long please?

Well, ,my coop is 20 minutes away from my house, at my sisters house, and she is in the hospital so I like to collect the eggs while I'm there. Everytime I get ready to leave, another girl goes in to lay! Then I wait another hour or more!

They'll lay around the clock-- not at night- but throughout the day.
Does your sister not want an evening egg to sit until the morning?
I find an egg under the roosts 2/3 times a week, when I open the coop at 5am. Found one yesterday morning unbroken with a tiny bit of poo. GC

Yes. I've had this happen from time to time too, but wasn't sure how normal it is. Figured it could have been a stressed bird thing so I didn't want to tell the OP that they lay at night.

2-3 times a week is a bit frequent. Maybe you have a lot of birds? In my years of chickens, I've only had it happen maybe once a year.
A lot of my girls, namely my Aussie, and my largest EE take hours and hours to lay, trying to find the right nest, Ect.

Then you have my mutt girl, part leghorn, part dog/cat/human, y'know, normal chicken. She goes in, and within 2 minutes she's done

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