Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

People like my book!
I finished grading those darn essays! But, mostly I'm happy to see my revival of this thread took off!!! I love it! I love reading the good things that happened to real people today.
When I woke up this morning I was free. Fixed my coffee, listened to the morning sounds, opened my Bible and was grateful I still had the freedom to do so. Just as others of other faiths and belief systems are free to follow their thoughts and beliefs each and every day. I could choose what I wanted to do, enjoy the sunshine, breath fresh air. I was not abused, afraid or detained in any way. I could say what I wanted, read what I wanted, watch what I wanted and go anywhere I chose to go. I guess I was just grateful to be an American; even with all of her problems, I was still grateful to live here. It is still GOOD to be an American. Thats what was good about today!!

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