Tell me what you feed your geese in the winter...

Fortunately, our cold snap is almost over and temps are rising again (even if only briefly). I'm not a fan of snow or extreme cold temps, but I muster through the bitter winters to enjoy the beautiful weather we get here the rest of the year.

Personally, I feel the worst part of winter are the short days. I hate that it gets dark at 5pm. :barnie

Yes those short days get you! Todays sunset 4:02 :barnie
Yep Pacific time zone. Ughh It really sucks when the sunset is in the 3 o'clock hour. I find myself going to bed at 6:30 because it has already been dark for so many hours :rolleyes:
I know what you mean. I have to drink a cup of tea around 4pm to force myself to stay awake until normal bed time.
Between 10:30pm and 11pm.
Between 10:30pm and 11pm.
How do you manage that when it´s so cold? Yes, of course, you have indoor heating. In England it also gets very cold, though not as cold as some places in the States, and the first time I came to Brazil I was enjoying 90+º F and when I arrived back in England, it was March, almost freezing, so cold...I got stuck to the radiator for a full week!

Interesting thing here, in the ´winter´ it gets dark at 6 pm and It can give a frost sometimes, but we just put on more clothing, because hardly anyone here has indoor heating, as it´s not cold enough times in the year. In the summer it gets dark at 8 pm, so I do miss those light evenings, but we´re used to it now. Summer or winter, I´m up at 6 am, (my son goes off to school at 6.30) so I´m ready for bed by 10.00 pm. Sometimes I´m still giving lessons at 10.00 pm, and I´m trying not to yawn!

I feed my birds around 4 or 5pm so they have a regular time, regardless of the season. Sometimes when we´re out we get back a bit after that time, and coming along the road I can see all the geese, ducks, chickens waiting at the gate!
Here in the Midwest it starts getting dark around 4:30pm so have to get the geese feed and put up for the night at 4:30pm. At 5:00pm it is dark...
It's closer to 5:30 before dark but dusky before then. My flock is already starting in by 4:00 chickens first then ducks always the geese are the last ones and they always have me walk behind them. They have me trained well

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