Tell me what you feed your geese in the winter...

It's closer to 5:30 before dark but dusky before then. My flock is already starting in by 4:00 chickens first then ducks always the geese are the last ones and they always have me walk behind them. They have me trained well :rolleyes:

Lol, my Geese prefer if I walk them to the shed also. If I dont get them to bed before dark they seem to yell when they see the flashlight "help help its dark and we are scared" silly geese. They train us well. But my geese do understand "go to bed" it means run around while honking. :D
Lol, my Geese prefer if I walk them to the shed also. If I dont get them to bed before dark they seem to yell when they see the flashlight "help help its dark and we are scared" silly geese. They train us well. But my geese do understand "go to bed" it means run around while honking.
LOL that's funny evidently they are all basically the same in their training of humans. Missy will look just like she is heading right for the door and will make a sharp left just as she gets there. And most of the time Sam won't go in unless she goes in first, either he is just a gentleman or he thinks if there's something in there it will get Missy first. LOL I've never left mine out when it was completely dark, I have no idea how they would act, I may have to try it once Next spring when I can be close by but hiding so I can see their reaction. I'm thinking they would not be happy.
I bet Sam is worried if he goes inside first, he may get separated from Missy. True mated ganders are precious to watch.
Lol, my Geese prefer if I walk them to the shed also. If I dont get them to bed before dark they seem to yell when they see the flashlight "help help its dark and we are scared" silly geese. They train us well. But my geese do understand "go to bed" it means run around while honking.

This is very interesting, because mine have never gone in at night, except my tiny babies without a mum. They love it outside, seem to have very good eyesight. When my first ones were 3 months I started leaving them out at night, and I´d check them every night before I went to bed, and they learned that the torch meant I was coming to visit them, and they´d make a lot of noise. I´d leave them just a little corn to distract them so I could get away!

That was when they were little, and slowly I stopped doing it to get them out of the habit. Now if I go down to check on them at night with my torch, I have to keep quiet. Just walking around with the torch is ok, everyone stays quiet. (All together 26 of them now) But if I speak to just one bird, they all start hollering, get up and come over to see me. I don´t believe geese are afraid of the dark. My chickens roost first, of course, the ducks settle down for the night, and on a moon-lit night I can see my white geese (not the greys, obviously) wandering around eating grass.
I bet Sam is worried if he goes inside first, he may get separated from Missy. True mated ganders are precious to watch.
I like it when Missy goes for a walk on the other side of the property and they begin to call to one another, Sam usually starts it and Missy will call out as she is coming to find out what he wants. lol Neither can see each other but they have to know the other one is there.
It's got to be so nice not to have to worry about preds. I know my flock would be killed off in no time if I left them out over night. But I bet they would enjoy being outside 24/7 if they could, except maybe today we're having ice and rain. they have been ice skating.
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I like it when Missy goes for a walk on the other side of the property and they begin to call to one another, Sam usually starts it and Missy will call out as she is coming to find out what he wants. lol Neither can see each other but they have to know the other one is there.
It's got to be so nice not to have to worry about preds. I know my flock would be killed off in no time if I left them out over night. But I bet they would enjoy being outside 24/7 if they could, except maybe today we're having ice and rain. they have been ice skating.
Funny, isn´t it? We imagine that Brazil is a wild place filled with dangerous creatures, but in the more populated areas there are few preds. And where we live is hardly populated, but there are little farmsteads, and the preds that there are keep well away.... the native animals tend to stick to the forest areas. My neighbour´s cow got bitten by a snake the other week and died, so there are dangers here, just not many. There are also scorpions and poisonous spiders, but the chickens and muscovies tend to take care of them. We actually see very few. There seems to be far more to worry about in the States.
in ireland local time here it gets dark here at 5 o clock but in december its gets dark at 4:30 and like i said less working or spending time with the geese espically with work and all that
in ireland local time here it gets dark here at 5 o clock but in december its gets dark at 4:30 and like i said less working or spending time with the geese espically with work and all that
It is pouring rain right now everything was iced up this morning, everyone was ready to go in at little passed 3 today. except one EE she was soaked but just took her sweet time up top of property scratching around I didn't think she'd ever go in, I looked and felt like a drowned rat. Now we have snow after midnight, at least that's better than pouring rain.

livin we have quiet a few poisonous snakes and spiders one spider called a brown recluse is very poisonous I got bit by one about 6 yrs ago and they thought I might lose my finger but fast work by Drs. and 2 very painful shots in the bottom helped save my finger but boy was it painful [the shots and the bite]. Our most poisonous snakes are Copper heads and Timber rattlers. but our Black snakes keep them down pretty good around here.
Pouring rain switching to snow overnight makes for ICY conditions in the morning. Please take care in the morning to not slip!

Between the northern forested mountains and southern red rock desert, Utah has it all. Snakes, spiders, scorpions, bears, mountain lion, etc., etc., etc. We even have rats down south that carry the hantavirus. I try to not worry about all that too much, but we have had a few scares over the years with spider and scorpion bites to humans and pets.
Pouring rain switching to snow overnight makes for ICY conditions in the morning. Please take care in the morning to not slip!

Between the northern forested mountains and southern red rock desert, Utah has it all. Snakes, spiders, scorpions, bears, mountain lion, etc., etc., etc. We even have rats down south that carry the hantavirus. I try to not worry about all that too much, but we have had a few scares over the years with spider and scorpion bites to humans and pets.
Ever had bears or mountain lions come around where you live? hey since we put the no climb fence up I don't think the bear has been in that part of the property, I think it would have a hard time climbing that kind of fence. The welded wire it just bent over. Mountain lions we have and they have been close some folks across the river saw one.

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