Temp at 106!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 17, 2011
Binghamton, NY
My incubator has been fluctuating from 100 to 106 since the 11th day of this batch (106 for hours, not minutes). I would usually have a average temp of 102. My incubator has a fan so I'm not able to do still air. Figured I would just keep them in there atleast until garbage day because I don't want stinky eggs in the house.

Day 18..... just about to take the turner out in the morning to see and egg looking like it exploded....great. I look around and see no gooey mess anywhere...weird. Then I hear peeping. No way.....staring up at me is a very dry lil chick! Omgoodness. He hatched while still on the turner!

Just for kicks I keep the eggs for a few more days, atleast until their hatch date (today).

Well guess what again! I have two hatched out and 2 more pipping when I woke up (6 all together).
Surprisingly the 2 don't have any deformities or extra limbs coming out from anywhere! Can't wait to see how many more actually make it.

I just had to share because I am just dumbfounded and everyone (non chicken peeps) don't understand my amazement
I had this happen, too -- to 108 degrees, and I don't know for how long. I was just about to toss out all the eggs when they starting hatching -- and it looks as though more than 50% of them survived. Incredible.
Started with 12. Only 8 were fertile. So at this moment I have 5 that have hatched out and 1 more that has pipped and has its beak through.
1 chick might needs to be culled, she has one crooked foot and possible some intestine protruding out (need to take a closer look).

This is my 4th batch ever only but I still had no hope for these

midget_farms : i wouldn't say I waited that long bc i had hope for them but bc i was waiting for garbage day :p one just decided to burst out of its shell that same day so i felt the need to wait just incase
so i had 5 healthy chicks that hatched, 2 with bad foot deformities and 1 that died before hatching. Crazy enough, the ones that didn't make it were all cockerels!

5 outta 8 eggs isnt too bad for insane temp spikes!

Definitely very excited to get my brinsea incubator this week to get rid of this fryer
WOW & WOW! I would have turned off the Bator and cried. Your post as taught me something new and reminded me of one of my favorite quotes by Glasgow: " The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”
oh i definitely did not think this batch was going to survive. i kept telling myself that i cannot end my hatching month..or months :p with a tragedy like this and was already planning and ordering for my next batch! still going to go for one more small batch but im just glad this didnt turn out into a total disaster!

love that quote BTW
Ya know some times I wonder about stuff like this. Temp spikes, how clean the eggs are when they go in, steralizing the bator etc..
But its funny, I have some "wild" chickens on the property and they set on poop covered eggs laying in the dirt and 95%+ of them hatch!!
I understand semi accurate temps (obviously since I have had a couple deformities due to high temp spikes) but being very precise on everything (cleanliness, humidity, temps, etc) confuses me.
I would love to see what the readings are under a chickens butt! I understand how everything needs to be a certain way for a reason but sometimes i think we take it too seriously....but im one of those people too bc i check that thermostat like its my day job :p

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