Temp Spiked 106


11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
Shelbyville, KY
I have a 9200 styrofoam incubator still air with a dozen americauna eggs incubating. They were on their 3rd day, when I left for work incubator was 101 degrees when I got back it said 106 degrees with 45% humidity. I installed a CPU fan / added some water and now the temp is 99 with 60% humidity. Dont know how long it was at 106, but I think it gradually increased while I was at work (8 hours). Do you think any will still hatch? (this is my first time hatching eggs)
Hi Titus,

It's truly hard to say, 106 is a very large spike. You can let them go for a few more days and candle them to see any growth activity.

I wouldn't stop because they might still be alive, even if it's one.

Best of Luck
the same thing happened to me. when i got up this morning mine was 106. noooooo. i will add this, on my last batch of eggs i had a whole day of spikes ranging from 104-110(didn't get it below that till evening) and i had a great hatch rate even still. not saying they're alive but those little eggs are weird that way. just candle them. you might be surprised.
Don't give up on them. I had a God-know-how-long spike to 111 degrees and I just hatched 4 (all normal) out of 18. I tossed eggs along the way that quit. I did have 3 that didn't pip/hatch that were close to fullterm chicks...that was a bummer. So in all...7 of the 18 survived from day 6 (the day of the spike) until at least day 19. Then 4 of the 7 hatched.
Thats encouraging! I'll definately hold out hope for them. I think I'll also try and get the humidity down a bit. Hopefully no more surprises today when I get home...


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