Temperature for older chicks


In the Brooder
Sep 12, 2015
I just went in and checked on my 4 wk old chicks and noticed they were all bunched in a corner close to a night light I have in the room. Just this morning I decided to turn off their heat lamp for the first time and they have been fine but now they are like this. I feel like they are acting like they are cold so I turned it back on. Is it normal behavior at this age for them to still huddle together if they are chilly??
What temperatures are you dealing with, low temps that is?

It sound like you may have posted this at night. Even when they are not cold they like to sleep together. If they are cold you should hear a distress peeping.
Yes it was last night. The temp in the house is 70 so I figured they were good so thats why I turned it off. They were all quiet as can be just huddled all together so I guess they were fine based off of what you said :) I think I will go ahead and turn the light back off.
My chicks i put outside a little over four weeks old. For about another week or two theyd huddle up at night time in the nest box til they got older and started roosting at night time. they still pack in the corner tight on the roost even though theyre grown up now. (mine is an L shape that follows the corner).

Most animals like to huddle together when they sleep. It's warmth, comfort, and safety in numbers. Sounds like they're pretty normal. I had 4 week old chicks outside in the coop with no heat a 2 weeks ago. Now 6 weeks and doing fine, even down into the 40s at night here.
The night light represents security and comfort more than a source of heat. Even though chicks are well feathered, they will "demand" the heat lamp. I had a cockerel who refused to go into his coop at night until I turned on the heat lamp. He would immediately zoom in on the target. After he settled in, I turned the light off and he would be fine.
The night light represents security and comfort more than a source of heat. Even though chicks are well feathered, they will "demand" the heat lamp. I had a cockerel who refused to go into his coop at night until I turned on the heat lamp. He would immediately zoom in on the target. After he settled in, I turned the light off and he would be fine.

That's just too funny. Spoiled litte thing

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