Temperature on day 18+


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2015
I have a home made incubator that I made from a Styrofoam cooler. I found the temperature to be too inconsistent so I bought a Little Giant still air incubator and egg turner. I candled my eggs at day 7 and was about to throw in the towel because I saw no development. I kept turning them and re-candled on day 10 and had 4 eggs (out of 10) with visible growth and one I couldn't tell because of the dark shell. I moved these 5 to the new incubator. My question is if I wanted to use my home made incubator for hatching only how critical is stable temps in the incubator. This incubator ranged anywhere from 99-104. Also how much air should they have during hatching. I have read a ton of articles some stating that air is critical others where you only have one vent hole open. This is my first attempt at hatching and it's fascinating to me! My 11 year old is going to be doing a few hatches using different humidities for her science project this year. Yay! TIA for your advice!

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