Temporary mini-tractor/play-pen


Apr 20, 2020
I have six 17 day old chicks who live in a brooder full time but we live in Central Texas and it's already nice and hot outside so...I decided to build a playpen out of some old wood framed window screens, a bit of hardware cloth and some deck screws. I'm having a coop built but its kind of a weekend thing for the builder so it's not ready yet and I had this stuff laying around so I got to work. I just kinda layed them on the ground and then leaned em into each other long ways and screwed them together along the top seam. The only hard part was cutting the hardware cloth with some kitchen scissors I found since I dont own any tin snips 😕
But it worked and the girls couldn't be happier! They peck and scratch and fly and barge around looking for chinks in the armor, so to speak. They're having a grand time and it only took about an hour and a half!


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Thanks! It's not much but they do so love to be out in it. They've even gotten better about me picking them up out of the brooder as I think they know they're going out to play. It's been rather cool and windy today so I kept them inside and, from all the racket they've been making, I'm pretty sure they missed having their day trip.

No problem though because, this being Texas, we'll be sweltering again tomorrow and they'll be out there, wearing themselves out again! 😊

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