Terra vet 10


8 Years
Jul 15, 2016
my question is....do I have to refresh the terra vet 10 im giving to my chickens in their water everyday? Or do I have to throw out old water and make fresh batch with the terra vet 10 everyday? Today was the first day and they hardly drank any. It just kills me to throw it out so I thought I'd try to find out for sure.
my question is....do I have to refresh the terra vet 10 im giving to my chickens in their water everyday? Or do I have to throw out old water and make fresh batch with the terra vet 10 everyday? Today was the first day and they hardly drank any. It just kills me to throw it out so I thought I'd try to find out for sure.

Can I ask what you are treating for?

I would put a fresh batch out at least everyday. Clean your water station in between. You may only want to put out what you think they will drink during the day or if possible replenish a few times a days as needed.

I understand it seems like a waste, but the purpose of giving fresh everyday is to help reduce contaminants in the water. Just the truth here - you don't mention what you're treating for, but chickens may have mucous, poop, etc. on their beaks, this does get into the water when they drink. If they are sick, then changing up the water a couple of times a day may help prevent further spread of illness.

Thanks for your reply. That makes sense why to change everyday which is what I've been doing.
Im treating for respiratory illness.
And my next question is, if im treating all my chickens (18) do i keep them cooped up and not let them free range?? Will that spread the germs more or since they're all being treated, is it ok that they’re all in the yard together?? Thanks so much for your help!
If they free range, they may find an alternative source of water.... muddy puddles etc that they will drink from instead of the medicated water, so you need to keep them confined so that they are more inclined to drink the water you provide. It is probably also important to give them only dry food whilst medicating them, to encourage them to drink enough. If you feed fermented feed or a wet mash, then they will almost certainly not drink enough for the antibiotic in the water to work.

Personally I am not a fan of treating a whole flock with antibiotics and most respiratory illnesses are caused by viruses that will not respond to antibiotics anyway. Were you prescribed the antibiotics you are using by a vet?
Ok thank you. I appreciate your reply. No, not a vet, a friend that i consulted told me to use the terra vet. How do you treat respiratory illness? This isnthe first time ive had this happen with my chickens.
Thanks for your reply. That makes sense why to change everyday which is what I've been doing.
Im treating for respiratory illness.
And my next question is, if im treating all my chickens (18) do i keep them cooped up and not let them free range?? Will that spread the germs more or since they're all being treated, is it ok that they’re all in the yard together?? Thanks so much for your help!

If you are treating the whole flock, then you want the medicated water as the only source of water available during your treatment period. So if they have other water sources when free ranging, then it's best to keep them confined to their run, so they are drinking the medicated water.
Ok thank you. I appreciate your reply. No, not a vet, a friend that i consulted told me to use the terra vet. How do you treat respiratory illness? This isnthe first time ive had this happen with my chickens.

Terra Vet10 can be used to treat respiratory illness. Usually what you want to do is separate out and only treat the birds that are showing signs of illness.

Most respiratory illnesses are contagious and make birds carriers of the illness for life. If you are keeping a closed flock, then just treat sick birds in the future.

I assume you have already started treatment with the Terra Vet10, if you have already given several days, then finish up your treatment for the whole flock to help reduce possible antibiotic resistance.
Terra Vet10 can be used to treat respiratory illness. Usually what you want to do is separate out and only treat the birds that are showing signs of illness.

Most respiratory illnesses are contagious and make birds carriers of the illness for life. If you are keeping a closed flock, then just treat sick birds in the future.

I assume you have already started treatment with the Terra Vet10, if you have already given several days, then finish up your treatment for the whole flock to help reduce possible antibiotic resistance.
Terra Vet10 can be used to treat respiratory illness. Usually what you want to do is separate out and only treat the birds that are showing signs of illness.

Most respiratory illnesses are contagious and make birds carriers of the illness for life. If you are keeping a closed flock, then just treat sick birds in the future.

I assume you have already started treatment with the Terra Vet10, if you have already given several days, then finish up your treatment for the whole flock to help reduce possible antibiotic resistance.
I have started treatment, this is the 3rd day. I have three different coops and several birds showed signs of illness in each one, so i guess i just assumed they were all going to come down with it. Never having dealt with this before and knowing it was contagious i just decided to treat the whole flock.

And is it contagious to ducks? Can ducks get it from the chickens?

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