Test Tubes RP ~ players needed

Horace turned to the man at the counter. "Um, can we have five- six Heart Attacks?" The man was shocked that the group was ordering that much food, but the boy's expression was serious. He wrote down their order and called out the order to the chef. "Come on, guys." Horace led the group to a row of counter seats, in which he sat down.

Mel sat on the end of the row, to Horace's left. She couldn't help but keep her senses alert to the approach of any Erasers.
Aura grinned and sat to the right of Horace, waiting for the burgers to be ready.
Wintent had been walking around the house quietly. She honestly had no idea where she was at at the moment. She hoped she was near the living room at least.
Sam finished cleaning he room and grabbed a change of clothes. She padded to the bathroom and took a quick shower; her hair was covered in Eraser blood and so were her wings. After she was dressed in a black tank top and a pair of blue jeans, she went back to her room and braided her white-blonde hair. She walked to the kitchen to make dinner(?). "What do we want for dinner?" She asked herself as she looked in the freezer. "Anybody up for hamburgers?" She called out to the living room.

Wes woke and cleaned his room and himself. After his 3 minute shower, he dressed and went downstairs and plopped down into a lazy chair; waiting for dinner(?).

Kaleb straightened everything out after his shower. The gash in his thigh wasn't bleeding very bad anymore so he grabbed a big bandage and some salve. He put the salve on and covered it with the bandage. He limped downstairs in a gray T-shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts. Kaleb sat on an island chair and waited for food.
Max looked around the room, then went back to her own room without saying a thing. She shut the door behind her and went to the bathroom. She cleaned her wounds again then hopped into the shower. She quickly cleaned herself and hair, then dried off. She stayed inside her room, glad to finally be in her own room.
James went to get a shower, then sat on his bed, trying to wrap the cuts on his arms.

Jean woke and went to get a shower and clean up her room before going out to the living room. She smiled and looked around "Hey, guys."
Wintent had been walking around the house quietly. She honestly had no idea where she was at at the moment. She hoped she was near the living room at least.

Wintent frowned she was officially lost. "Stupid, shouldnt have gone wandering around alone," she muttered to herself looking around trying to figure out the way she came.
Wintent frowned she was officially lost. "Stupid, shouldnt have gone wandering around alone," she muttered to herself looking around trying to figure out the way she came.
James looked up at the voice, still sitting on his bed and trying to wrap the cuts on his arms. "Hey"

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