tetracycline for mycoplasma gallisepticum?

There is tons of info on BYC about diseases and treatments. Put it in the search box and you will find lots of answers. From what I've read...it is best to cull those sick with MG. If you are to treat...I read that Denagard works the best. (may have that spelled wrong)
Good luck!
I take it that you didnt smell a foul odor about the head area, therefore it's not coryza. The thing about antibiotics and MG is that the disease builds resistance to them. The tetracycline may or may not work depending how severe the symptoms are. Then you would have to use a more powerful antibiotic such as tylan 50. MG will build resistance to the tylan eventually. Then you'll have to use a more powerful antibiotic such as baytril. MG will build resistance to the baytril eventually as well. There's not much left after baytril....I think you get the picture.
However, if you're sure it's MG, you can purchase denagard which specifically treats mycoplasma diseases. There is no resistance nor withdrawal. It can be purchased at QC Supply and it's not cheap. Birds still remain carriers and a preventative dose must be given for 3 days once a month. You can type "denagard" in the BYC search box and read about it if you wish. Here's a link about denagard:
I have one of my 8 months old female pheasant who has I believe mycoplasma. Her right eye is very swollen like bubbles. She is treated with Tylan in her water, Exocin drops in the eyes and Baytril orally. She has started the treatment of the last two 10 Feb and Tylan 17 Feb. She does not sneeze although the first day I got her in there was a nasal thick discharge with sweet smell. This has nearly disappeared now, just a bit of wetness, no strong smell as at first. She is obvisouly isolated from the other 3 pheasants in our house in a cage. When I read that she will always be a carrier and should be culled, it is very difficult to accept. The Denagard mentioned - is it that good? or is it too late now? I need reassuring somewhat.
I have been dealing with what I believe to be MG in my own flock. You can treat the symptoms, but they will be lifetime carriers of the disease and therefore able to pass it on to their offspring and other birds in the flock. If you choose to manage MG in your flock and not cull, then it is wisest and most ethical to keep a "closed flock". No birds in and no birds out.

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