Texas Member List - Updated 1/2010

wooohooooo I made it!!!!! Im part of the chicken club!!!!!!!

Hi, my name's Ann and I'm from the Austin area. I live in such a small town that even people in Austin don't usually know it's just outside town.
I've got 3 chickens that I've raised since late May and some Americaunas that are about 3 weeks old. I'm new to raising chickens so I'm learning a lot from this list. I'm also lucky in that I have a close friend who's a rancher who's raised chickens all of her life and is very knowledgeable about them (and predators).
Hello I'm Eric I live Robinson TX. next to Waco McLennan Co. 1 RIR Roo 2 RIR Hens 2 Marans Hens 3 Buttercup Hens 4 EE hens 2 Polish Crested & 1 Unknown Hen Black Sex Links I think. Howdy Yall

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