
Ugh, predator struck yesterday and last night. Lost the cochin rooster and the d'Uccles during the morning after I went to work. Didn't find the d'Uccles body at all and the cochin was beheaded. Head was eaten.

This morning at 4am I went out to check on everything and something opened the one coop door and 3 Phoenix hens are missing. No feathers anywhere and no one else was missing. What ever is getting them is not eating on the spot and is not killing everything.

Talked to brother and I'm ordering cam equipment w/ activity alerts. Also getting him shotgun shells because he's the one up most nights till late.

I'm going to find out what it is and it's going to be delt with.

Pretty sure it's a coon, living on borrowed time. 💀
Happy birthday @GreenJay!

Happy Birthday GIF

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