Thank Chickens I found BYC!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 20, 2010
Southern NH
Hello Fellow Chicken Nuts!!!! I have been exploring the internet for the past three months soaking up as much information on raising chickens as I possibly can! I've read Raising Chickens for Dummies and Choosing and Keeping Chickens both 3 times already cover to cover (well, actually I skipped the butchering and show sections). As many of you already know, googling anything chicken related will bring you to BYC. It has been my addiction, obsession and passion for the past 8 weeks and I simply continue to read posts and gobble up information.

I am being methodical about my learning experience. Although my YouTube visits to watch constructive videos on raising backyard chickens has been more than educational, I do find myself always clicking on the clips of the cute baby chicks! I can't help it!
But alas, I know they are not for me. Unfortunately we do not have the time to dedicate to the little ones and give them the special care they need during those most important several weeks of life. It is disappointing as we often muse about how wonderful it would be to introduce our 3 adoring Pugs to our new baby chicks and capture that one incredible $100,000 AFV moment!

Instead, I have done my research and have placed my Spring order for 6 started pullets - a manageable sized flock. It makes the most sense for us. I first wanted to adopt but then discovered that the good laying years are early on. My untrained eyes would never be able to tell a young adult from a mature hen. Oh but wouldn't I love to give them all a good home!!! After my research I decided purchasing locally was the way to go. I feel like I need to see my new family members and the conditions under which they live. Of course that limits the breeds, but I think I'll do just fine with my 3 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Silver-Laced Wyandottes! From what I read, they are two great breeds for the first-timer interested in backyard pets and eggs.

So the coop design has been established. It is a 6' x 6' x 6' structure (taken somewhat from The Hennebunkport - thank you Shawn!) with 4 one foot square nesting boxes. One of the many consistent themes I have read on post after post is not having built a coop big enough for expansion! I think my 6' x 6' and four nest boxes will allow me that opportunity. After much thought, we have decided to insulate the coop rather than add any artificial heating elements. I'm that person who can't even leave the crock pot on low if I leave the house. The insulation will lessen my anxiety on our cold New Hampshire winter days. Another consistent theme is ventilation, ventilation and ventilation. And with my insulated coop, you can bet your big fluffy chicken butt that I'll have ventilation! And of course natural and artificial sunlight. BYC has provided me with everything I need to know about raising chickens save for experience. But it's funny how I already feel like a chicken pro when I make chicken talk with friends and family.

Although I wish it could be more, our run will be 8' x 16'. We've decided to use the apron method rather than digging a trench for digging protection. I hope that will be safe enough. And we will be covering the run as we have plenty of hawks in the area. Plans for the run are not yet complete. My focus has been on the coop itself so far.

I will start a page and post our progress as construction begins. This winter will be extremely exciting as we get ready for our girls and get to know BYC a little better. Spring can't come soon enough!

Thank you BYC for your guidance! My love of chickens grows every time I read another post or see another picture. I look forward to your advice and suggestions.

With much gratitude,

A warm welcome from an imp in Washington

Sounds like you got the planning part down

Have fun getting the chickens

. I'm from Western WI and will also be getting my first flock in the spring, although we plan on starting with chicks. They're so cute!
Hello from Illinois and Welcome. Like you I also read, read, and read some more before buying my chicks this spring. This place has more information than one person can soak up I do believe. Glad you found us.

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