That's it! They have GOT to go!


11 Years
Feb 19, 2008
Outside that is.
They're 2 1/2 weeks old and the dust is horrible. We have no garage and our shed doesn't have electric. So, DH and I put together a mini hoop house today. It's just off our back porch so we can run an extension cord to it. It is roughly 4 x 8 x 3. We used one stock panel cut in half. It only took a couple of hours. It would have gone quicker but we had to figure some details out as we went.

You'll notice the chicken wire is on the inside. That would be because I forgot to put it on before the tarp went on. I put the bottom half of a large dog crate to help hold heat in that area. I think I might take it out tomorrow depending on how they do. It's plenty big for 52 chicks but I don't think they need it and it's just taking up room.

So, for you viewing pleasure, some pictures of the mini hoop house being put together and the chicks in it.
I like this! Im planning to kick mine out of the house at the 2 week mark (My in laws are coming and they are in the guest room!) I have enclosed the 2 x 7 area under the nesting boxes in the coop. I hope it works and they are not too cold. Ill put a heat lamp in the enclosed area and they can go into the bigger coop area as they please.
Whoa! That just gave me an idea!! What a great way to make a cheap, quick place. . .

Even if you don't have babies, a bigger version is great for a place to keep chickens out of the rain. (you know, because some of us live in a place of eternal rainstorms.
I really like this idea. I have been thinking of easy ways to make a tractor for the meaties I will be getting in the next couple days and this looks like it would be a great solution!
Now you're scaring me... We are getting day olds in late march and it's not warm enough for chicks without feathers to be outside. I haven't mentioned how bad the dust and smell is to my wife for fear she'll change her mind. I'd hate to have to delete my account for another year or several...

Great ark though. My brother's going to build one that size to fit on his raised beds. Mine will be similar though out of PVC and adjustable size as I have different sized beds. Thanks for sharing.
I have my chicks in a similar pen right now. It's not predator proof either. For one thing it's so light anything with paws could pick it up.....

However, I have had VERY LITTLE predator trouble in my back yard. Since they are right off my back deck (same as the op said) my dogs tend to keep other critters away. If you had more predator threat, then yes you'd need to reinforce it some more for dig-prevention and stake it down or something so it couldn't be picked up. Since the OP went with chicken wire I assume they aren't expecting much predator trouble either.
I have two dogs. They sleep in the laundry room but have a dog door. They won't bother the chicks but will keep predators away.

I'll probably still be jumping up and checking on them throughout the night, though.

I've spent some time lately looking at ideas for this. I love the hoop house idea as it's quick to build and not expensive but didn't really want a full sized one by the house since they will be moving out to the coop in a couple months. I found a couple that were made like this one and thought it was perfect for my needs.
Ive had chicks in the house lots of time and they never bothered us that much but I will NEVER hatch ducks in the winter again. Mine are 18 days old and they are a constant stinky mess. I clean their brooder everyday and they still smell. Bought puppy pads today to try in there Hope that helps some.

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