The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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While looking into hatching from the Small end I found an article. There was someone asking about setting eggs small end up. This says to make sure they are turned the correct way by day 14:

Written by Marleen Boerjan

Eggs are incubated in setter trays for most of the incubation period. Three days before hatch, the eggs are transferred to hatcher baskets. In the setter trays the eggs are placed vertically with the air cell (large end) up, while the eggs lie horizontally during hatching.
In normal development, the embryo begins to turn to its position along the long axis of the egg at day 14. At day 18, the beak is turned to the air cell and covered by the right wing. In this position the embryo can penetrate the inner cell membrane to gain access to the air in the air cell - after which breathing starts.
This normal sequence of events is disturbed when the eggs are placed with the air cell down and the small end up. In this scenario, the embryo still turns along the long axis of the egg with the head up - but now, the head is positioned in the small end of the egg - away from the air cell. The embryo may die because the initiation of normal lung breathing is hampered or even blocked.
Hatchability of eggs placed with small end up decreases from 12 - 30 per cent when compared to hatchability in eggs set large end up. However, once hatched from an egg set small end up, the performance of chicks is no different to that of chicks hatched from eggs placed large end up. The table on this page shows a summary of data collected from commercial hatcheries. Over 3,600 eggs were candled from each flock. The percentage of eggs placed small end up varied between 0.29 - 3.4 per cent, irrespective of the shape of the eggs.
The incidence of eggs set upside-down is largely dictated by human error and not by the shape of the eggs. Great variation between trays in the number of eggs placed upside down was observed: some trays had none, while others had 10 - 12 eggs placed small end up. Hatchability of eggs set small end up decreased by 16 - 27.3 per cent. The percentage of non-viable chicks from eggs set small end up increases, but varies between different batches of eggs. A hatchery loses 0.2 per cent of sellable chicks for each 1 per cent of fertile eggs placed with the small end up in a setter tray (Bauer et al, 1990).

  • Check each batch of eggs for the incidence of eggs placed small end up (upside down).
  • Record the number of eggs placed upside down.
  • If the frequency of eggs placed upside down is unsatisfactory - investigate and remedy the reasons for misplacement of the eggs.
  • If the eggs are routinely set in setter trays at the breeding farm, communicate the benefits (profit) of good placement and place responsibility for ensuring that eggs are placed correctly with farm personnel. Breeder farm personnel should all be aware of the fact that the hatchery loses 0.2 per cent of sellable chicks for every 1 per cent of fertile eggs placed small end up in a setter tray.

Flock Large end up Small end up
A Hatchability (%) 97.6 79.5
Cull (%) 0.0 3.6
Grade-A chicks (%) 97.6 75.9
B Hatchability (%) 96.9 71.8
Cull (%) 3.0 4.3
Grade-A chicks (%) 93.9 67.5
C Hatchability (%) 100.0 84.0
Cull (%) 2.0 4.0
Grade-A chicks (%) 98.0 80.0

Reference: Bauer F., Tullet SG and Wilson HR (1990). Effects of setting eggs small end up on hatchability and posthatching performance of broilers.
O.k. here is my final results as follows:
76 eggs set
7 blood ring/quitters
20 clear
47 Hatched

Totals = Blood rings/quitters + hatches....... 7+47=54....... 47/54=87% hatch rate

***I do not count clears for hatch rate, I cannot control fertility and therefor if it starts
to develop then I count it towards hatch rate weather it hatches or dies during incubation***
Just as I went to turn off the bator and remove the rest of the eggs... I found a pip on a cream legbar egg!

So I may have 6/21 instead of 5/21!
Come on little guy!
While looking into hatching from the Small end I found an article. There was someone asking about setting eggs small end up. This says to make sure they are turned the correct way by day 14:

Written by Marleen Boerjan

Eggs are incubated in setter trays for most of the incubation period. Three days before hatch, the eggs are transferred to hatcher baskets. In the setter trays the eggs are placed vertically with the air cell (large end) up, while the eggs lie horizontally during hatching.
In normal development, the embryo begins to turn to its position along the long axis of the egg at day 14. At day 18, the beak is turned to the air cell and covered by the right wing. In this position the embryo can penetrate the inner cell membrane to gain access to the air in the air cell - after which breathing starts.
This normal sequence of events is disturbed when the eggs are placed with the air cell down and the small end up. In this scenario, the embryo still turns along the long axis of the egg with the head up - but now, the head is positioned in the small end of the egg - away from the air cell. The embryo may die because the initiation of normal lung breathing is hampered or even blocked.
Hatchability of eggs placed with small end up decreases from 12 - 30 per cent when compared to hatchability in eggs set large end up. However, once hatched from an egg set small end up, the performance of chicks is no different to that of chicks hatched from eggs placed large end up. The table on this page shows a summary of data collected from commercial hatcheries. Over 3,600 eggs were candled from each flock. The percentage of eggs placed small end up varied between 0.29 - 3.4 per cent, irrespective of the shape of the eggs.
The incidence of eggs set upside-down is largely dictated by human error and not by the shape of the eggs. Great variation between trays in the number of eggs placed upside down was observed: some trays had none, while others had 10 - 12 eggs placed small end up. Hatchability of eggs set small end up decreased by 16 - 27.3 per cent. The percentage of non-viable chicks from eggs set small end up increases, but varies between different batches of eggs. A hatchery loses 0.2 per cent of sellable chicks for each 1 per cent of fertile eggs placed with the small end up in a setter tray (Bauer et al, 1990).

  • Check each batch of eggs for the incidence of eggs placed small end up (upside down).
  • Record the number of eggs placed upside down.
  • If the frequency of eggs placed upside down is unsatisfactory - investigate and remedy the reasons for misplacement of the eggs.
  • If the eggs are routinely set in setter trays at the breeding farm, communicate the benefits (profit) of good placement and place responsibility for ensuring that eggs are placed correctly with farm personnel. Breeder farm personnel should all be aware of the fact that the hatchery loses 0.2 per cent of sellable chicks for every 1 per cent of fertile eggs placed small end up in a setter tray.

Flock Large end up Small end up
A Hatchability (%) 97.6 79.5
Cull (%) 0.0 3.6
Grade-A chicks (%) 97.6 75.9
B Hatchability (%) 96.9 71.8
Cull (%) 3.0 4.3
Grade-A chicks (%) 93.9 67.5
C Hatchability (%) 100.0 84.0
Cull (%) 2.0 4.0
Grade-A chicks (%) 98.0 80.0

Reference: Bauer F., Tullet SG and Wilson HR (1990). Effects of setting eggs small end up on hatchability and posthatching performance of broilers.
Very interesting article and should answer some questions people had about accidently setting them small end up.

*I had quite a few that pipped at the small end this hatch, some made it, some needed help and others didn't. They were not all in the same breed, either.
I will have plenty of eggs when black betty is back in business! she is due to hatch her chickies tomorrow!!! she has 4 from the splash under her! I took her others, that's what I stuck in the bator for the hatchalong ... shhhhh don't tell her LOL

here is momma this am

Calendar says tomorrow is HATCH DAY!

But she isn't in lockdown silly girl!

I told her watch that humidity, she just bawked at me! swore she rolled her eyes!
She was up eating and pooping so fast I don't know what happened! LOL


and she wins 1st place in the Largest Broody poo contest!

We measured her width all splattered out on the nest 17.5 INCHES across!
I swear I could fit fifty plus eggs under that girl!

OMG Don't tempt me! They are adorable and splash too!!

"rented" a duck? I have to say I'd find that pretty funny :)

I know, I found that odd lol

Today is day 21, so I still have some time to watch. I just took out the dry chicks and closed the incubator back up- total is31 eggs set, 16 hatched, 3 more pipping and peeping, and 12 that haven't done anything yet. I didn't bother to candle this batch since about a third of them were black copper marans eggs. All are from my own chickens.

So, the easter egger/bcm crosses mostly look like bcm, but with fluffy cheeks. Two are chipmunks. Then the dominiques have white spots on their heads and wing tips. I haven't tried to sex those yet. I have them in a brooder where I had some week old bantams, and it is so funny to see the white chicks with all of the black chicks.

Congrats! The chipmunk chicks are so cute.

I don't know how to quote...but for the person looking for bigger brooder...I use a kiddie pool but wrapped it entirely around the sides and top with chicken wire. I folded the sides down and tied them together which left a small opening that I covered with the screen.

This is my new project. Two level brooder, made from a 25$ tv wall unit type thing on craigslist, that I painted red and white barn colours. One large door will go on the top and the original two doors on the bottom. Hubs has to wire it with bulbs for me.

We do have a kiddie pool and I'm thinking about it and the tv entertainment center is a neat idea!

I'm done out of 13 eggs i wound up with 2 chicks. but they are super cute so i don't care- plus i have three more incubators full of chicks so plenty more on the way. i think it was a combo of a new young rooster, plus it being well under freezing while i was collecting eggs.
so to break it down:
13 eggs set
all but 5 clear by day 10
tossed 1 late quitter around lockdown
2 dead in shell :( today
2 live chicks yay

one on the left is the first one to hatch yesterday. one on the right was the one that hatched today- i had to assist him although he really probably could have come out yesterday as i kept pealing i noticed he was all absorbed and no veins or anything i think he just got lazy.

they both have 5 toes one of which i call "SUPER TOES" that stand up off the ground.

Crazy toes

and speaking of toes! this one will not leave the other chicks toes alone- he is constantly grabbing them, and not briefly either- he will drag the other one off his feet by a toe... he sometimes even grabs his own toes!! any suggestions?

and this is my sister "aoberkotters" one egg who is hatching from the small end of the egg. little assisting here and there but mostly letting him work his own way out. if he hatches successfully her count will be 5 eggs set, 4 clears at day 10, one chick hopefully to hatch but I will update when he is out for sure. I have to bug her to come back online and do her own updates lol

AWW, I love your chicks and the 5 toes are neat! at least you didn't just end up with one chick, I was so worried about just having one lonely chick...I would have definitely taken a visit to TSC for another or two for company.

Okay: I DID get 3 miracle babies that somehow survived this overnight just before hatch day:

I don't EVER want to see that again. Tonight I'll candle the other 200 eggs and see if any of them survived, as early as it was for them...I'll have to look at development issues due to a heat spike days 5-7 to see what I can expect if there are any survivors.

I'll be shoving the 3 babies under my Raraku hen, who goes broody like clockwork. I'm not sure if she'll adopt, because I've always let her hatch, but we'll see.

Congrats everyone!!

My condolences, everyone else!

Hope you all had a nice sunny day.

OH NO! My worst nightmare, I hope the eggs survived for you!

All done with the hatch. we originally set 6 black cochins, we candled at day 3, and removed one egg due to a very porous shell. 3 hatched a day late, and one two days late and one not at all. we have 4 healthy chicks. And as a bonus we bought 3 black australorps day olds that arrived today. the BA's are suppose to be pullets, we'll see. I tried to sex by using the wing tip method but the BC's are so fuzzy its hard to tell.
We sure do enjoy doing this hatch with everyone. Easter Sunday was baby day. my eldest daughter also had a baby lamb born. and another ewe is due in a couple of weeks.

Stop with the Black chicks guys lol I want some black chickens! Yours are way to cute! :)
The baby lamb is absolutely adorable!

Ive not been able to keep up with posts the last 2 weeks due to our internet line being cut when our new home was brought in. But i had ordered eggs for this contest. They got lost in transit for 2 days. The shipper was worried they wouldnt develop, but I set them anyhow. Sure enough, he was right. I hate this happened, but I dont blame the shipper at all. He is actually sending me another batch. I do want to say congrats to all that had successful hatches.

I'm so sorry, Good to hear that the person is sending you another batch, I hope you have better luck with this one.

Oh, I forgot to ask......whats the best way to clean and disinfect your styrofoam bators?

I did a water/bleach mix and then when that was WELL rinsed I used a little dawn dish washing liquid to remove any left over grim/mess.

So last night I had two eggs left and one had been trying to zip for like 24 hours. Started to assist and realized he was tired and where he had started to zip was the right place, up under his wing, but he was so crammed in there, he couldn't move to go any further. So I picked off the end of the shell over the air sac and as I did so, out flopped a little wing, but his big noggin was still in there, so I picked down the side of the shell and out came his head. I put him back in the 'bator and let him finish it himself. Left him in there all night to dry off cause it was bedtime even though he was screaming cause i didn't want him to get chilled or trampled in the brooder. Thought that was it. Hadn't seen any action from the last egg and when I listened to it the other day, it didn't peep or tap back. Hadn't had a chance to candle it, so I thought I would leave it until the next night and then check. Well, to my surprise there were two chicks in the bator in the morning. And my late bloomer was well worth waiting for. Fluffy cheeks and looks like maybe it will be bearded. Biggest puffiest chick of all. And it's a reddish brown - the only one of this color. Absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen. So, he makes it 12 hatched of 12 set and all are doing well! I chalk it up to beginners luck. I've set another batch (trying to get a few more offspring of some hens that weren't laying well due to the cold and short days). We'll see in 3 weeks if I can recreate this.

And my little miracle late bloomer - Isn't this the cutest thing you have ever seen?

Your chicks are adorable, I love the crisp bright white of the first chick! I have a special place for the 'late bloomers', We have one and I love him/her to pieces.

Congrats to all the winners!

I have some great news! My appointment was today and they told me the results of the test and I DON'T have gestational diabetes!!!!! They said that I passed it with plenty of room to spare. It's such a relief to find out I don't have it.

FANTASTIC news!!! It's always great to know one less thing is working against you! I hope you have a great rest of your pregnancy and have a wonderful labor with a happy healthy baby :)

I use a water trough from Atwoods. I got a black rubber one. If it is in garage or outside I would try to find and old bath tub.

hmm, I will look at my local hardware stores for these to see if I can find something larger.

FINAL COUNT: 4 Set..........1 Hatched!

1-died within first week
1-died in shell when I was gone for Easter(temp. got really high)

Here`s my little baby

I'm sorry for a not so great hatch but your baby is ADORABLE! Will you get him/her a friend?

Ended with 10(4 EO and 6 Buckeye) from 12, 1 was infertile and one didn't make it was dead inside of the shell very well developed, even I wasn't at home when they were hatching to help them. I was with my kids(Easter) in the park sorry little dudes(chicks) and today I set 8 Chocolate Orpington's and 4 Giros for an Uncle.

Thats great! and OOOO Chocolate Orpingtons, sounds beautiful.

We are on day 23 with our batch. Two more chicks just hatched. One of them was an upside down chick and we almost did not notice her zipping at the bottom of the egg because I have the eggs in an egg carton after lock down, luckily we were able to help her along once we realized what was happening. *Whew* We have one more that is trying to hatch, so may be at 7 total in the next few hours. Still wish were getting more chicks since we started with 27 eggs. But up until this morning, I thought we were only going to get 3 chicks. So I'm happy with 7. We'll see if we have any more late hatchers. I'm going to be a basket case by the time this hatch is done.

I'm so glad you went in when you did, This happened to one of my silkies and while she survived she became stuck in her egg and it took a lot to get her out.

#7 is out!!!

We've got all kinds of cheeping and peeping tonight!

We ended up with 4 from my EE hen that hatched. Don't know about the second two yet, but the first two... Well they have different baby daddy! LOL. One has fuzzy feet which can only mean one thing, my Cochin Roo that I'm holding in my profile pic must have gotten busier than I had thought.


Here are the first 4 to hatch. I've learned something very important tonight... Day old chicks will not stay still to pose for pictures!

So Cute!


Oh, you noticed that, didja?!?!? Guess what: they don't slow down much, either!

Wait until they get the Zoomies!

No they sure don't, mine are only getting crazier lol

And the count on the morning of day 22 is 20 hatched, 11 eggs still in incubator.

That's really wonderful! I wish I had just as well of a hatch, I set 22 and had 15, but one died, so now left with 14.

O.k. here is my final results as follows:
76 eggs set
7 blood ring/quitters
20 clear
47 Hatched

Totals = Blood rings/quitters + hatches....... 7+47=54....... 47/54=87% hatch rate

***I do not count clears for hatch rate, I cannot control fertility and therefor if it starts
to develop then I count it towards hatch rate weather it hatches or dies during incubation***

Wow, that is a great hatch rate! Congrats! :)
Well, its over. I candled, tapped, and then pipped the rest of the eggs this morning and all were dead.
Quite a few almost full term chicks, some obviously not quite finished. Not sure if there was some wrong positioning in play too, but my first guess is there was a bit too much temp fluctuation in the last few days thanks to my LG being finicky about house temps.

This is a bit more devastating for me than it would be for many of you who seem to hatch all the time. This was our ONE chance to hatch this spring. I had promised chicks to several friends, and the timing was perfect to have them close in age to our chick order from McMurray that is coming next week. If I ever DO try again with this incubator, I will definitely get a new thermometer (or two) to compare with the digital one I used for this hatch, and I will do a longer trial run and make better use of the Max/min feature on the thermometer.

You know, I was thinking about a line from Pele's story the last few days (AWESOME story BTW!) where he mentioned that the EGG itself has been all important and our main focus for most of the incubation, but at the end the egg becomes insignificant as the new entity, the new LIFE explodes out of it. When I read that line I was thinking how true that is - but sadly my eggs never became more than an egg in this hatch.

So for the record keepers - here is my final totals...

Set 46 eggs
Culled 22 infertile eggs
Culled 2 blood ring/early quitters
22 went to lockdown
1 pipped internally but died in shell
0 hatched

In better news - we have a broody buff out in the main coop!
Though my sister has claimed her for hatching some of her project heritage meat birds (Delaware/BO cross). Here's to lots of broody hens this year!!!

I'm sorry. I can sympathize a little with your loss. I set 7 eggs from my own breeder pen. Two hatched, one was killed by adults, one died. Very, very frustrating when I'm looking to breed these guys in the future.
I'm sorry for a not so great hatch but your baby is ADORABLE! Will you get him/her a friend?
Thanks! I`m not too bummed about only getting one(although I would have liked 2), because I have 13 other eggs in the incubator, a broody hen, and I`m getting some from a hatchery soon. :) Also, I will definitely be getting my lone baby a friend as soon as I can(probably Saturday).

How did your hatch go? (I think I kind of missed it when I scrolled through the millions of posts I missed in the time it took me to go to class and back.)
Here are the first 4 to hatch. I've learned something very important tonight... Day old chicks will not stay still to pose for pictures!

How cute is that? Yep, they don't want to post for sure, and like someone said, just wait, they get real quick!
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