The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Are you keeping them all?
Probably not... lol. We are already at capacity. Unless I can get a new coop built before they feather out.... where did I put that nail gun again?

My Grandmothers incubator circa mid 1950's...... Its been rewired a time or 3 but it works like a champ!!!

My "Official Count" is 14... the eggs on the right side of the incubator are due to hatch next weekend.... the Eggs on the left are set for the Hatch-Along!! I was originally going to set 12 but I couldn't say no to the last two eggs.... I swear they were begging to be put in the incubator. (hee hee)

Regardless... wish me luck because this is a staggered hatch in one incubator. My father said he has done this in the past with out issues so I guess its my turn to try! I removed the cheese cloth I had under the eggs due to hatch next week because it seemed to be messing with the humidity... so I am using a divider to keep the eggs separate! ..... Now I wait....
How cool is that? And makes you wonder how many of those things are still around. Pretty neat.
So what does everyone plan on doing with all these chicks?

Hoping I will be able to join next year.

[COLOR=0000CD]They stay on our farm and make beautiful lawn ornaments that make more chicks and lay eggs for customers.[/COLOR]

Although, I MAY give some grow-out chicks past the brooder stage to someone who wants to start a flock. If they want to pay me, I wouldn't refuse it, but spreading the addiction is payment enough. ;)
Thought I'd share these photos of a cross beaked chick for educational purposes, for those that have never seen one. In this particular case, this chick appeared normal at hatch, a week old the lower beak was a little off, this week the deformity is severe. For those that will ask, this chick was culled, the alignment is severely off and the lower jaw severely shorter than the normal upper jaw. Just sharing the photos for those that have never seen a cross beaked chick. This was the first one I've encountered, personally.

I will update pictures every week so you all can see them grow and change. Two of the kittens have white on their bellies and some on their feet/legs. The one is a dark gray with only a small patch of white on chest and between back legs. The one kitten has kind of a white frosting over its back. I know there is a long haired tom running around. I think he got to her before I knew she was in heat.. :/ I will post some more pics of the kittens later. :) BTW, mom is doing great! :)

I think my brain has decided kittens aren't cute anymore. I live out on a dead end road in the country where people either dump cats, or just stop taking care of them. I feed my spayed and neutered barn cats (love them for the mice), but I have new unfixed cats move in all the time... And they have kittens. I have probably spent 1k altering cats that move in, and their kittens. I don't qualify for any low cost stuff. I guess I could just round them up and take them to the pound, but I know what would happen to them. I have a heavily pregnant one now and it makes me want to cry.

We also have cats dropped off here. I feel your pain. Luckily, I know Midnight (my female that just had kittens) she has yet to have more than three kittens in a litter. She is not a big cat at all. Her body frame follows that of the Siamese. I work super hard each time to line up great homes for her kittens. Ppl will buy the ones that follow the Siamese coloring but this litter, well I will just have to advertise them as half Siamese. Midnight is my only female that is not fixed, and she is the only one I will allow on our property to not be fixed due to her being Siamese (even if she is not the traditional coloring). Sorry I am rambling... Lol
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