The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Does she spray it on the bees?

Ok the wintergreen in to keep away hive beetles that carry the mites that kill the bees. The others... She sent me this link:

I like Young Living because they are the only company that grows, harvests and distills their own plants. From seed to seal they onow what is in those oils.

If you're interested pm me! They work good on chickens too!!
Well I candled a few min ago and 2 clear 2 blood rings that quit for sure. 12 that had veining but seem to have blotches and taking up in diff spots in the eggs but couldn't tell for sure as some of the eggs are hard to see in. 20 looking great with movement and great veins.
Bad day, very bad day. We have had problems around our farm with packs of dogs. DH is up at least once or twice a night chasing them off. Today he had let the hens out to free range with our very good rooster Colonel. He went inside and heard commotion and found 5 dogs after the chickens. They killed 3 hens and our rooster flew off with a young roo. DH has been looking for him all day He hears him crowing but cannot locate him in the woods. He called animal control and they said if it happens again they will put live traps out. Apparently several people have reported problems in the area. One of the dogs try to go after DH. I am upset about loosing the chickens, but I am also sad for the dogs. People just letting lose and not taking care of them. I really loved those roos. Colonel - our Barred Rock was big and yet so approachable. I am so afraid we are not going to find him.

The rooster should work it's way home. The wild dogs need to be shot on sight. Particularly since they went after your husband.

So I put off candling as long as I could(wasn't sure of my abilities being first hatch and all). I'm hooked!!! Made a family affair of it. Showed my son and daughter (6 and 7) pictures of what we were looking for and explained what each was and then we started. Overall I was very happy with results. 39 eggs set pulled 5 clears and pulled 2 blood rings. That leaves me a total of 32. One questionable that I left in. Looks like a blood ring but it moves??(any advice on that one)?? Unfortunately need some practice with how to photograph during candling. Wife couldn't get the camera to cooperate. Kids were crazy excited when they could see the chicks move. Sorry I put it off but happy at the same time. Have a good night all. Time to get ready for work.
What a great family event!

Happy Dance!

I went out to check on the bees this afternoon, and they were working the outermost frames now, so I added the Queen excluder and the Honey Super!
Now they can store honey for ME to take!
That's wonderful! Enjoy your honey.


Popping in tonight to say howdy. I'm sorry to hear of doggy difficulties and hatching difficulties! Hope everyone has a better tuesday. I have a painful fever blister on the side of my mouth and I hate them! Gotta get some abreva or something *sighs*
I have my first rehearsal for the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire on this saturday!! NERVOUS lol
The Renaissance Faire sounds wonderful, you'll do fine.

Just want to say that next years hatch along will be much bigger for me. I will have 4-5 established flocks. Building their split coop now. It will be a 8'x40' coop split in 3 (13') sections with 13'x45' runs on each. Construction starts tomorrow.

Edited for grammatical error
That's what I like to see, people planning for next years Easter Hatch, remember next year we start earlier.

Awwwww, I suck.

I was having a bad day and went in tonight to candle one egg, just to see the little thing moving and cheer me up. I dropped it!
It was on a carpeted floor and didn't crack, but clear veins went to vague dark smear and a nice clear air cell is indistinguishable. .

I put it back in the 'bator, just in case, but
I feel so bad, now. Why did I mess with it? I just wanted to see something happy.
I'm sorry this happened.

Okay so my one batch of eggs wasn't supposed to hatch until Friday, but low and behold look what I found. Poor guy was stuck in the turners because the eggs were not supposed to even go into lockdown until tomorrow. Another of the ducks looks to be hatching so I went and locked down the bator tonight. I've heard of birds hatching early, but this is kind of ridiculous. It's just the ducks though. The turkeys and chicken don't appear to be pipping yet.
That's what I like to see, people planning for next years Easter Hatch, remember next year we start earlier.
I should have established flocks of 4 all pure flocks by next years: RIR, GLW, BCM, and MF D'Uccle. The D'Uccle will be my first bantam flock (they will technically be my 6 yr old son's)

Okay so my one batch of eggs wasn't supposed to hatch until Friday, but low and behold look what I found. Poor guy was stuck in the turners because the eggs were not supposed to even go into lockdown until tomorrow. Another of the ducks looks to be hatching so I went and locked down the bator tonight. I've heard of birds hatching early, but this is kind of ridiculous. It's just the ducks though. The turkeys and chicken don't appear to be pipping yet.
That's rather unusual, ducks are commonly slow hatchers.
Okay so my one batch of eggs wasn't supposed to hatch until Friday, but low and behold look what I found. Poor guy was stuck in the turners because the eggs were not supposed to even go into lockdown until tomorrow. Another of the ducks looks to be hatching so I went and locked down the bator tonight. I've heard of birds hatching early, but this is kind of ridiculous. It's just the ducks though. The turkeys and chicken don't appear to be pipping yet. :confused:
Awww so cute. What kind? I have 2 ducks due Thursday asking with a goose. But I don't think any of them will wait that long
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