The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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First 2-ish days I use paper towel over shavings, then remove paper towel. Helps them see food and not eat things they should not.
Uh Oh - I'm in lockdown. Or, as I like to call it, the spend all my time staring obsessively at the incubator, listening for imaginary chirps, watching for imaginary wiggles, while constantly slapping my own hands away from the buttons and lid; phase.

Sigh. Come on, eggies - do something!
Come on CHICKIES!!!!
So tomorrow is day 18, and I have some good wigglers on the last 2 turns today. Do you think I should candle tonight and lock them down since I do have some good wigglers in there, or should I wait till tomorrow?
Way out of the loop, but I really want to take a moment and again thank Happy Chooks and Sally Sunshine for all their wonderful spirit, support, understanding, sympathy and empathy. They have it all with such dedication and fever to make it all fabulous for the rest of us!
They made this HAL happen, how about a few rounding cheers!!!!~!

Come on now, do not be slow, let them know how much you appreciate all of this!
First 2-ish days I use paper towel over shavings, then remove paper towel. Helps them see food and not eat things they should not.

For the first couple of days I put a tupper wear lid down on top of the shavings and sprinkle some chick starter on it. It might not be super non-skid but I've never had a problem. They get very excited when I sprinkle down a new pile of chick starter on the lid. I also have the chick feeder out free choice of course, but watching tiny chicks scratch at feed is so completely cute I think I'd do it even if I didn't think it was a little better for them.
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