The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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[COLOR=008080]We have a Second chick![/COLOR]:D [COLOR=008080] This one is a BO roo over a DELxBO cross hen. The chick is very golden, it looks like it might get the Buff color. I had to take them out of the incubator pretty quickly because it is quite crowded in there and they were trying to get tangled in the threads holding my thermometer probe up. I watched the humidity and was quick, and it never went down much. We have the two chicks in a plastic tub with our new Premier1 Heat Plate brooder. It seems to be working quite well - this is our first time using it. The chicks seem to be cozy and warm under the plate. [/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]As promised, here are some pictures! Sorry they are not the best quality, and I didn't get one of the first chick in the incubator - my sister has it on her camera. [/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]Top view of first chick in brooder - blue BR x PR[/COLOR] Second chick hatching - look at that big foot! Here I am!!!:jumpy Best Buds already!!! :love [COLOR=008080]And there are 9 more pips in the incubator and 1 chick is pipped out of the 6 HAL eggs under my broody out in the coop! I am SOOOO happy!!!![/COLOR]:weee
Awwwwww how cute!
We have a Second chick!
This one is a BO roo over a DELxBO cross hen. The chick is very golden, it looks like it might get the Buff color. I had to take them out of the incubator pretty quickly because it is quite crowded in there and they were trying to get tangled in the threads holding my thermometer probe up. I watched the humidity and was quick, and it never went down much. We have the two chicks in a plastic tub with our new Premier1 Heat Plate brooder. It seems to be working quite well - this is our first time using it. The chicks seem to be cozy and warm under the plate.

As promised, here are some pictures! Sorry they are not the best quality, and I didn't get one of the first chick in the incubator - my sister has it on her camera.

Top view of first chick in brooder - blue BR x PR

Second chick hatching - look at that big foot!

Here I am!!!

Best Buds already!!!

And there are 9 more pips in the incubator and 1 chick is pipped out of the 6 HAL eggs under my broody out in the coop! I am SOOOO happy!!!!

Congrats and how cute!
How come no one ever replies to my posts
Maybe it's because the people on the forum don't recognize you or what you're posting doesn't seem to be interesting to them.
I had a hard time getting started here on BYC, but when I started commenting on other people's pictures, I started getting comments as well. If you want others to comment on your pictures you need to post pictures that others are interested in. Usually when I post pictures it's because the content of the picture is special to me, but it might not be for others, therefore the reason for no comments. I have no intention for this post to be offensive, but rather helpful.
Take note of the pictures that others comment about and practice posting to see what seems to get attention from others. Often the pictures that get my attention are the ones that others don't seem to find interesting, so I have learned to take pictures in a way that others seem to like and readily comment on. Sometimes I'll just post a picture for the pleasure of others and don't expect to get any comments.
Happy posting and learning!
We have a Second chick!
This one is a BO roo over a DELxBO cross hen. The chick is very golden, it looks like it might get the Buff color. I had to take them out of the incubator pretty quickly because it is quite crowded in there and they were trying to get tangled in the threads holding my thermometer probe up. I watched the humidity and was quick, and it never went down much. We have the two chicks in a plastic tub with our new Premier1 Heat Plate brooder. It seems to be working quite well - this is our first time using it. The chicks seem to be cozy and warm under the plate.

As promised, here are some pictures! Sorry they are not the best quality, and I didn't get one of the first chick in the incubator - my sister has it on her camera.

Top view of first chick in brooder - blue BR x PR

Best Buds already!!!

And there are 9 more pips in the incubator and 1 chick is pipped out of the 6 HAL eggs under my broody out in the coop! I am SOOOO happy!!!!
That color is very pleasing to the eyes.

In the same boat with ya Cynthia!

Doing pretty terrible here...

One cockatoo hatched and is doing good. I had taken him out of the nest right before the second one hatched. The other hatched and was fed twice by the parents and then killed. Cockatoos usually only want to raise one. I guess they liked the first one. Normally I will take the second one out at a few days old. This is quite a loss for us.

The silver pheasant that was pipped had pipped just below the air cell and had fluid all over the place and was very stuck. I freed up his beak and head so he could breathe, but there was still blood so i left him like that. He died last night. He was really weak when I saw what was going on and probably had already sucked in fluid.

Out of the shipped Serama eggs with wonky air cells, they have all quit except one. That one is growing a bit slow for a Serama but does have draw down today. I'll have to keep a close eye on it.

So for this HAL I have one live baby, the cockatoo, (pics soon). And 8 eggs still trying.
Well, if you had to pick just one, I'll bet it'd be that cockatoo. Sorry about the others. Feeling the sting over here too. All those eggs that looked so good at lockdown are just fading away..literally. It looks like I'm just praying for this one Call to make it out. It's name shall be Piper..... Parents are Poppy & Percy, so Piper sounded cute. How are yours going?

Quote: Aww.. trust me it's easy to get lost in the mix during the height of the hatching frenzy, which is right now. No one means to exclude, I promise
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