The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I have a question? I have the book choosing and keeping chickens and I think the chicken on the cover is an Orpington, but what kind of Orpington. Here is the picture. Anybody know?

SOOOOOO EASTER HATCH SET are as follows....................

25 Crested Cream Legbar
30 Partridge Brahama
4 white faced black Spanish
4 CCL x Barred Rocks
7 CCL x Polish But these haven’t been fertile yet L
70 eggs Total Set this evening

Crested Cream Legbar, Partridge Brahama, white faced black Spanish, CCL x Barred Rocks. Notta on all the CCL x Polish ALL still INFERTILE
@mlmddh 60 CHICKS in the brooders and some still in hatchers drying HATCH complete and I will not complain that I got a ton of male CCL "AHGAIN" sighhhhs its so much easier selling straight run chicks, just sayin. I sent some male ccl along with beaglady for meaties today when she got her Favs. I already have 25 chicks gone to new homes today! Thank goodness!! Four brooders full is ENOUGH for this gal! ALOT leaving tomorrow too! YAY!! some are headed to CT and then Tues to SC!

TOTAL AWESOMENESS is all I can say!!!

I LOVE MY coolerbators with their awesome wafer thermostats!
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Okay I got one pipped a large ish hole first thing yesterday morning. It's beak is looking out, and it is breathing and everything. At what point would you think Abbott assisting? Is Been about a day and a half external pip .

Excuse typos - on my phone
I got home and the silkie that was zipping when I left died 3/4 of the way zipped. I don't understand why.

The d'uccle is a little more pipped, one healthy hatch and nothing from the other eggs yet.
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