The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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You did good. Little fifth grade me hatched chicks for the first time and had one with a prolapsed vent. I didn't know what to do and it died... first chick out too. :(

Praying for your little chickie!
Oh no!! You poor thing!!

I am still not sure what will happen with this little one. It is not bleeding but it's got the red bump which obviously has corn starch on it. In fact there's corn starch on it's bottom too because I was frantic to stop the bleeding. I'm sure i will now need to clean it at some point before it goes in the brooder. So I'm imagining if this red umbilical area falls off or rubs on something won't it then bleed out again??
There's buried treasure somewhere on
the Random Funny Posting thread!
Be the first to dig it up and bring it back and post it to THIS HAL thread and WIN!





I found the buried
So far I have 9 of 19 pipped! In the bator: 4 olive eggers, 3 delaware x blue adulusion, 3 buff orpingtons, and 9 wheaten ameraucanas.
My hatch is all done. I ended up with 13 total. 7 Australorps and 6 Silver laced Wyandottes. I started with 14 eggs of each breed. 23 made it to lockdown.
Great! Thanks for posting your total with the breed information.

POTENTIAL WEEPING EGG QUESTION? Hi, everyone! Quick question from a virgin incubatress (me!): We are on day 20 in lockdown with everything looking good in terms of temp and humidity in our Brinsea Octagon 20. One Welsummer egg has a tiny amber colored drop on the outside, but no sign of pipping, and by tiny I mean like the size of a pinhead. When we went into lockdown we were having a very hard time seeing through the eggshells, but none of the ones we left in smelled suspicious, so even if the candling was inconclusive, we left the eggs. Our 21st day becomes complete Saturday night around 8PM. So far, no one is pipping. Advice? Thanks in advance and love seeing everyone's pictures in the 5th BHC Hatch-Along!
I personally would get the egg out.
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