The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I do this with my kids and they keep asking if the easter bunny is going to take a potty break at our house. They love it !
I hatched 7 if my 12 lavendar orphs out 3 weren't fertile and 2 didn't develop all the way one chick left in the Bator that's just laying on his side seems weak I had to assist him in hatching... Also one hatched while I was at work yest and apparently the shell and membrane stuck to him when I tried to remove with warm water it pulled some of his down out poor little guy:( all in all pretty good hatch. :)
ok. I need opinions. Leave them in incubator or move to brooder? I don't want to hurt the eggs who are still pipping

Wow! Thatsa alotta chicks! How many did you set/hatch so far? I moved mine today in 2 batches, when no one was zipping or even pipping. (As soon as this mornings' pips hatched, I grabbed the early hatchers and the few who hatched overnight...then repeated that this evening once the other eggs who pipped today hatched and dried off.) I only have 1 egg with a chick mostly out now in the incucbator. The rest of the eggs don't have pips even. I sure hope that's not the end of the story with them though.
I've had this often with peachicks ...I put a little bit of betadine on the navel since it's not yet closed and you don't want them to get a navel infection, which will kill them. Just like disinfecting a little mammals umbilical cord. this chicks take extra long for the yolk to completely absorb from their abdomen. I have heard that it's not good to have them eat until it is done absorbing, or their body will slow down or stop the absorption since it's getting the signal that nutrition is coming in and absorption is no longer needed...Anyone else understand it that way?
Shoot I did what she did and put corn starch on mine too tonight. Should I go buy Betadine tomorrow for it?
I'm 300 posts way I'm catching up, so sorry if I don't reply to anything directed to me!!!

Congrats to everyone who has chicks hatching!!

My nose has been stuck to my bator since I got home this morning, with chicks popping out one right after the other. So far 3 of 4 Mille Fleur, 5 of 7 Silkies and/or Silkie/Polish crosses, and 3 of 4 Seramas. All other bantams have pipped, and one Cochin mix as well as an EE has pipped.

The Seramas didn't hatch well, AT ALL. The first two came out with HUGE a LF egg yolk was in there! I have no idea what is going on...they couldn't even stand without rolling over onto their backs, because their bellies got in the way. The third one to hatch did so too early...when it came out of the shell, its navel was BLEEDING!!! I quickly opened the bator, grabbed the baby, and rushed to my kitchen where I slathered corn starch on it. When I looked at the inside of the shell, there was blood in it! Is this normal? For a chick to hatch when it wasn't ready??? I currently have the chick in a coffee cup in my second incubator. It is just laying on its back, all curled in a ball as if it was still inside the shell.

Let them rest and absorb that yolk. They will be up and at em before you know it. I remember my turkey poults doing this because of their big bellies. The cup is a good idea for the one.
I love the d'Uccles also. They actually ask to be picked up and held! If you ever want to sell any of those porcelain pullets let me know! I would like a few more porcelains. The d'Uccles actually belong to my son. I have to rent space from him to use them as broodies!

Here's a pictures of a hen with her two Guineas that she hatched out and took care of until they were twice her size!
Omg my Mille D'uccle loves to be held! I just rescued a porcelain d'uccle from a swap meet.Poor thing was wanting out so bad! The guys stuffed her in a cage with 5 rooster twice her size!!! As I walked around the cage she followed me. I knew I had to do something! Here is here the day we got her, which was 9 days ago!

Ever since the ride home, she hasnt wanted to leave my side. She gets so scared when she sees a rooster! I am working on getting her feathers back and her health seems fine. She is getting so spoiled right now! She gets so jealous when another hen gets on my lap. Its funny. I decided to name her MoonBaby, she seems to respond to her name already.
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