The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Ok, cell being a pain:

Happy Chicks: No worries, I know how many were in the brooder before I started adding these. I'll do a head count when they are all done.

Roostereggs: I'll be processing 2 seven week old broilers tomorrow morning to be our Easter dinner. Not as heavy as I wanted yet, but they will do. The rest get to grow a few more weeks before heading to the freezer.
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Well I was going to try and catch up on posts before I posted my status. Realized I was extremely behind. So far I have 12 chicks hatched out. Have about 6 more that have pipped.



Awesome first hatch and yeah its safe to say I'm hooked.
Thank you. I'm so soft hearted, I can't give up on him. This winter was absolutely brutal and claimed about 7 of my chickens and my two mallards. I had a roo that was seeming very lethargic and so I checked him over and found his ankles swollen and his feet black. They were frost bitten. We nursed him back to health, gave him baby Tylenol for any pain he may have and now we have a rooster with no feet. His name is frosty. He gets around well but I'm sure anyone else would have just put him down but I didn't have the heart to do that. Maybe half the chicks from this hatch are his.

Anyways, the little guy is in a cup near the water now, I also put a different hobble on in case he hops out of that. I'll check on him again in the morning. Crossing my fingers he makes it

Here is the other guy with the splints. He runs around like there is nothing wrong with him at all

You sound just like me. I can't give up on anything that seems to want to live. Frosty :) (And Stumpy!!)
Looks like a most excellent job with the splints! The little one may have other issues that you can't see. Hopefully he will get stronger in the next couple days.
Please do not throw virtual rocks my way but I caved! After seeing nothing at all, no moving egg even I opened the bator to add water and candles the eggs. I finally chucked the yucky 5th egg. I did see movement in all 4 other eggs and an internal pip in one, though not hearing any peeping. I have hope now! Can't wait till the kids gets up to tell them about there being hope! :)

Ridiculously late but just now got home from pulling cables...the 2 that pipped on the wrong end hatched! XD Have another pip on one of my blue eggs. And how do you se movement with the eggs? I never see any rocking... ever :-/

As for the mama bunny due yesterday... no babies yet *sigh* she's gonna prolly have them on easter. I just know it. She made a nest but hasnt started to pull fur.
I have about 12 eggs under a broody and she hasnt come off the nest for just over 2 days now, when i checked on her today she had defecated in the nest. today/tomorrow is supposed to be hatch day so i took her off the nest and quickly scooped away the worst of the bedding. most of the eggs have got the poo on them that has now dried on.

just before i put her back in i saw that one of the eggs had pipped! a small piece of shell was missing and the chick was cheeping loudly inside, it hadnt managed to pierce through the white membrane where the shell has fallen off.

Im not too sure what to do. i have space in my incubator so could pop him in and see how the hatch goes or i could leave it under mum and hope that i havnt done too much damage by lifting her off to clear some of the nest.

Any ideas on whats best??
I moved my HAL eggs under a broody and now I'm frustrated because I can't see what's going on! She has kicked out one empty shell so I guess at least one has hatched. I hate not knowing what's happening in there :pop
So far just the 2 chicks. I have 15 shipped eggs with no signs yet...can they take longer??

My other 2 are non stop chirping! !! When they see me peeking in they come over and really get loud lol!!! They hatched at 5pm & 7:30ish last night. 12 hrs+ not so cute and fluffy yet...but wonder if they were just yucky and dried...which is possible as they came out pretty slimy lol!!! Should I wait longer before removing them? They look like they could use a bath!!! I feel soooo bad as I forgot to place the shelf liner in there before lockdown. Too anxious to get them hatching! So if I can remove them, no others show any signs of pipping yet can I quickly put down the liner under the eggs that are still in there? Its day 22 now...
I had 2 weak chicks hatch last week. One has since died, but the other is doing very well. She couldn't stand for the first 12 hours or so. I pushed wood chips up under her rear to assist with a standing position. It worked and she is now indistinguishable from the other 3 heathy chicks.
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