The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Good morning!! Today is Day 21 for me! I started with 27 eggs. Went into lockdown with 20. 6 chicks out and 7 pips so far. All shipped eggs! My Marans that hatched last night was out of a deep saddle shaped air cell and it was the best hatcher yet! I was shocked!
That's awesome! It gives me hope because I didn't have too much confidence in my shipped eggs. Today is Day 21 for us, too, but we have no pips, no bouncing eggs and no chirping yet. Trying not to be too obsessive about checking the incubator every 10 minutes . . . ! Luckily, my MIL and FIL are here visiting, so I have to stay somewhat focused on them. :) Congrats!
[COLOR=800080]I felt this way last year after three failed hatches.  But after reading alot of advice from this site I have learned several things.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]1.  Ask the shipper how they package and don't be afraid to give them direction if the packaging is less then desirable.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=800080]2.  A good seller will tell you how old the eggs will be when they are shipped.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=800080]3.  Let all eggs come to room temperature before placing in an incubator[/COLOR]
[COLOR=800080]4.  I do not start turning shipped eggs until the second or third day in the incubator just to give the air cell time to reattach[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]Before last year I had no idea about any of this information and gathered it only after having failed hatches.  I also prefer to purchase eggs from BYC members  because so many will comment on the success of sellers eggs which is helpful.[/COLOR]

Well, the eggs were packed beautifully- each individually wrapped in bubble wrap, styrofoam lining the box, and none broken or even cracked a little. At least half the eggs were just two days old, the other half were 4 days old. They sat for 24 hours before going into the incubator, and I didn't turn until day 4. This is why I'm so depressed - I did everything right! They were purchased from a BYC member, also. :(
I moved my HAL eggs under a broody and now I'm frustrated because I can't see what's going on! She has kicked out one empty shell so I guess at least one has hatched. I hate not knowing what's happening in there
That is great but just think it will be like opening a present twice..
Well, my pipped eggs aren't doing anything and I am fighting the urge to mess with them.  I have run out of materials to make dog collars to distract myself.  I think I will go to bed, lie there, frozen, holding my breath in anticipation of any cheeping or noise from the eggs. 

I heard peeping yesterday hoped to wake with piped eggs and nothing no peeps no pips driving me crazzzzzzzyyyy
Today at 8:06 EST my first Ancona duckling hatched! :celebrate This was my first time incubating and just to have one I consider to be a HUGE success! :weee But hey, all 6 of the others pipped they're may be even more in store.:pop :fl :pop
Ducklings are sooo cute. Too bad I can't have ducks or I'd definitely hatch some. Congrats!
Whats the earliest someone has had a chick hatch or at least external pip? I have 2 eggs that I candled on Day 14 that almost looked like day 17-18 eggs to me with no more room left except for the airsac. I don't want to candle again till day 18 (Day 16 today) but am afraid they might pip sooner.

So given the situation, is it ok to increase humidity on Day 17 or will it drown them or the others that are not gone that far.

I have small spare incubator I can move those 2 into, but wondering if change of conditions will affect them.

I know everyone is busy counting their chicks right now
but would appreciate some help.

QUESTION...Not screaming, just need to make sure it's seen in all this wonderful avalanche of pip, zip, and chick reports.

I have chicks that hatched Monday in the brooder. My one HAL chick hatched Thursday, and is with broody mama. I moved them to a larger pen this morning, and she still has golf balls she's sitting on. My question is - if I give her the nine chicks I have in the brooder tonight, will she accept them, or are they too old at this point? Thanks!!

All you can do is try. Put them under her at night and watch closely. It is best if they are day olds, but some hens don't care. Understand that she could love them but not be able to control them because they have not had a momma for a few days. They may not mind her. Also understand that she could kill them. With all that said, it's still worth trying. I am going to send positive thoughts that she will accept them and they will accept her and all will be happy.
So this is my first time actually hatching shipped eggs. I started with 18, 14 made it to lock down and I currently have 8 hatched. Is this a good hatch rate for shipped eggs? A few more may hatch but I was just curious since my first 3 tries with shipped eggs resulted in no Hatchers.
Whats the earliest someone has had a chick hatch or at least external pip? I have 2 eggs that I candled on Day 14 that almost looked like day 17-18 eggs to me with no more room left except for the airsac. I don't want to candle again till day 18 (Day 16 today) but am afraid they might pip sooner.

So given the situation, is it ok to increase humidity on Day 17 or will it drown them or the others that are not gone that far.

I have small spare incubator I can move those 2 into, but wondering if change of conditions will affect them.

I know everyone is busy counting their chicks right now :)  but would appreciate some help.


You'll be fine increasing humidity on day 17. I've done that many times with staggered hatches. The earliest I've ever had an external pip was day 18, on a bantam egg. I've heard of folks supposedly having them earlier though.
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