The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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My hatching chicks kept me up all night, but I don't mind!
I am up to 21 chicks hatched so far! 3 under the broody BA in the coop and the other 18 in the incubator. 8 BO, 2 EE, 3 OE, 2 BCM, 1 BR & 5 other BO mixes. 8 more pips in the incubator, and 7 more eggs that have not pipped. Haven't checked the other 3 eggs under the broody. Heading into Day 21 this afternoon... I think I would definitely call this a successful hatch so far!

Congrats on the new babies
Whats the earliest someone has had a chick hatch or at least external pip? I have 2 eggs that I candled on Day 14 that almost looked like day 17-18 eggs to me with no more room left except for the airsac. I don't want to candle again till day 18 (Day 16 today) but am afraid they might pip sooner.

So given the situation, is it ok to increase humidity on Day 17 or will it drown them or the others that are not gone that far.

I have small spare incubator I can move those 2 into, but wondering if change of conditions will affect them.

I know everyone is busy counting their chicks right now
but would appreciate some help.


You'll be fine increasing humidity on day 17. I've done that many times with staggered hatches. The earliest I've ever had an external pip was day 18, on a bantam egg. I've heard of folks supposedly having them earlier though.

What do the air cells look like? Are they a different breed than the others? If it were me, I'd be more likely to move those two than increase humidity on all of the eggs. Moving them right now won't hurt them - they can be out of the incubator for a little time with no problems. That said, I locked down a day early my last hatch because I counted wrong, and all was well. Hopefully someone more experienced will chime in.

Thanks BroosterSpringsteen, SoManyHats and HappyChooks. I will probably just candle the eggs towards the end of day 17 instead of day 18 and then lockdown especially since 5 of the 11 eggs are Bantams and I heard they usually hatch early (is that true?)
Ahhhhhh!!!!! Heard my first peeps out of the eggs I thought were no good in the incubator lavender cuckoo orpingtons and Cochins
This is great news!! You always worry until you either hear, or see the first sign of life, peeping, or a pip. I love cochins!!
Well, my pipped eggs aren't doing anything and I am fighting the urge to mess with them. I have run out of materials to make dog collars to distract myself. I think I will go to bed, lie there, frozen, holding my breath in anticipation of any cheeping or noise from the eggs.

Catching up here..hope to see that you have some chicks this morning!
I would say Silkie or d'Uccle. I need to check its toes. My WCBlue polish is no bearded and this little darling has huge puffy cheeks.
Very sweet. My 8 hatchlings under my Polish X are White silkie over MF D'Uccle I look forward to seeing what they are going look like.

Not sure I can help with the dust but Sweet PDZ can help with the smell. A damp towel placed in a strategic place can help with dust supression. The air will pass through but the water will trap the dust in the towel.

Thanks...any suggestions for the strategic place?? If I figure this out then maybe I can have it both ways and my girls and I can share the broods.
In other news one of my barred holland hens went broody so I stuck some turkey eggs under her last night. Hopefully she has better luck hatching them out than I do!
My broodies have had a a significantly higher hatch rate than I do. Good Luck!
Well my temps were high this morning so I quickly candled and they are all alive but there is still A LOT of space in the shell. Like they are days behind where they should be. My other eggs hatched a day early but these seem set to hatch 2+ days late. They are due on Monday.

On another note my cat was crying this morning like he had to go out so I got up and let him out. Or rather put him out since it's raining. Well I then stepped in something wet and cold and heard something in the kitchen eating the cat's food and drinking his water. We don't have any other pets. So I carefully went in there and found Luke, Sasha, and Darkwing in there eating his food and playing in his water. They had escaped their box. The cat was crying to tell on them. In shocked that he didn't hurt them. He's constantly stalking my chickens.
Heard the first peeping last night - more peeping this morning,but no external pips yet. Had two very questionable (no blood rings but no detectable movement) at lockdown, but left them in. As a side note - the 'might be clears' that I left in earlier all developed; but only two made it to lockdown & are still looking great.
Can't sit by the 'bator, because we found a 20 foot sinkhole at the edge of the riparian area this morning, extending out under the fence, and it's gonna be a day of moving cattle and trying to find many loads of fill dirt in a hurry.
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