The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Ok, did my candling again for Day 10.
Out of the 10 questionable I had on Day 7, 5 were definitely not growing so they were tossed. So down to 56 now.
Out of the remaining 5, 3 are still questionable but 2 had good wiggly embryos.
So at Day 10 I am left with 53 wiggly embryos and 3 questionable eggs.


@chicken pickin

I have couple of other issues hoping someone can help me with. I am especially mentioning few names to make sure they get to read this post (its kinda late and could be easily overlooked), however anyone with suggestions is welcome.

A) 4 of the good wiggly embryo eggs have very large air sacs. These were shipped eggs and have saddle-shaped sacs almost as big as at lockdown. They also have lost 10-15% of their weight already. So I am thinking they may have some minor cracks which may not be visible to the naked eye and, its causing them to lose weight rapidly. What should I do with these eggs, I am almost certain I will run into trouble with them. Shall I separate them somehow and create a more humid environment for them? Maybe putting in a sealed box with a damp paper towel and then taking out for oxygenation during the cool down time? I am clueless!

B) 2 of the good eggs seems to have only developed on one side of the egg. The embryos are moving but half the egg is completely clear. No blood vessels, nothing, nada. What could have caused it? Will they survive? I have checked the auto-turner and its working fine and all the other eggs in the same incubator are fine. I have moved them to the Brinsea in an upright position instead of flat just in case.
Anything else I can do?

Again, everyone/anyone's input is welcome!
Don't fret about it. Unless you are willing to set up an incubator with special conditions for each egg, there is really little you can do. If they are going to hatch they will. Occasionally I have eggs that develop on only one side despite the automatic turner. They develop and hatch just like the rest. I have found the more you try to "fix" your hatch (shy of real problems with the incubator, of course) the worse you are going to make it. Relax and enjoy the hatching experience. You can always hatch more.

Quote: If you check Hobby Farms FB page, this contest is posted on March 19. It is a real contest put on by the social media company that handles Hobby Farms' social media advertising, not Hobby Farms itself. I am sure it is designed to get more likes for the HF page and thereby earn the social media company more money. You can enter here:

I candled my eggs last night:

The Trader Joe Free Range Organic Eggs (NOT labeled as fertile but thought I'd try them) were not fertile. 12 clears

The four Icelandic eggs I got from a friend's flock are all going strong.

Of the 13 set from my flock, only four are developing......that means my 5 year old rooster is not covering all the hens/pullets he is with (16 total and he is the only male)
or he is aging out

The two silkie eggs are under a broody....need to check those.....

So.......eight Icelandic eggs still in the incubator and two silkie eggs under a broody

Now we wait for the final candling at 17 days.......or when a hen goes broody....whichever comes first!
I have a few roos that are not doing their jobs either.
I think the cold this winter may have frozen more than just their combs and wattles!

Are any of the Icelandic eggs from Cupcake?
Well if it's fake it's to late I entered. With that said I have to share my experience with Brinsea. I went online to order they spot check thermometer. It said price was without promotion or discount. So I called and asked it'll they had a promotion going on. They said they weren't aware of any coupons or promotions. That I would have to go online to find one if there was one.
Did a search on and found several sites that give codes for different businesses. Found one for 10% off order at Brinsea and it was not Brinsea's website
When I placed my order and entered "whisper" the code it gave me 10% off my order placed my order on Friday. By Monday the website said my order had not shipped yet. So I called again. Got cut off. Called back guy said it will ship that day. Without even looking it up. So asked him to look please. OK so by Monday evening it still said not shipped. I emailed them. The the website said it shipped out Tues. So I called again to get the tracking number. She said oh it did ship Monday and went out priority mail and that they don't sent me the tracking number. She said the Usps sends it and I should check my junk folder... hmm priority is normally 3 days. No package today and no email with tracking number in my inbox or junk box from usps. Bottom line... just like a lot of other businesses these days the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing ! I can't say I was impressed at all with the companies professionalism on the phone. I just hope the thermometer is as good as everyone is still g it is ! So with that said I'm sure the contest is legit just not put on by a brinsea and the person that answers the phone wouldn't know or really care since employees can't enter.anyway. jmho
Just got some shipped eggs. Some are very dirty. Question wash or don't wash? Plus don't know quit how to describe the air cells they aren't actually floating but you can see something moving near them. Liquid looking? Any ideas? Not very excited since I have more eggs coming tomorrow and Friday from 4 different sellers. Not a good feeling here I had asked the seller to Not put anything on the box other than Fragile Handle with care. Not only didn't they write that they plastered Hatching eggs And Live Embryos all over the box and failed to put hold for pickup and my phone number on the box Geez.... Can you tell I'm stressed ? Sorry don't know who else I could tell that would know the frustration. Thanks for listening !
I hope you are feeling well and I wish you a speedy recovery :)

Remind me again, what's up?  Splint?   Hope you aren't in a lot of pain.  Knee?

:lau Too funny!
Have a speedy recovery!

Thanks guys! It was surgery on my ankle ro remove a cyst. Im actuailly not in pain and i dont have any swelling at the moment which is great! Also, i never felt groggy or anything afterwards and went and had lunch :)
I FORGOT TO SHARE WITH YALL...i have a broody! Shes been sitting for 3 days straight and seems dedicated, but since i cant really go down to the chicken coop im not sure if i should move some HaL eggs to her, but i may give her new eggs!
I FORGOT TO SHARE WITH YALL...i have a broody! Shes been sitting for 3 days straight and seems dedicated, but since i cant really go down to the chicken coop im not sure if i should move some HaL eggs to her, but i may give her new eggs!

She sure is pretty! Even with the broody feisty face!
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