The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I candled my eggs again this morning (day 8/9). I still have one that's alive! Yaaaaay! Almost all the others are definitely dead or clear. There's one I can't tell on, but I think it may have kicked the bucket, too. We'll see. So now I am all excited because I still have a baby bouncing around in it's egg :)
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Wow! That is awesome. No wonder you were a worn out Momma to 3. We homeschool too! Today, I am just as excited as my kids are that there is no school today. Kiddos are doing well but it has been a couple hard weeks of reminding them that they need to keep going. We have an amount of work that needs to be done daily. They don't have the option of just riding through their day. They have jobs/chores to do daily. REALLY, brushing ones teeth is NOT a chore but apparently they think it is.
Our hatches have not been as successful as I had hoped, but having chickens, guineas, and goats have really taught them a lot of responsibility. It was fun showing them the life inside the eggs for the first time.
It was sad to realize that "helping" a chick hatch killed them. We are learning all the reasons why to do things the right way.
I love reading your story of the incubator wars. It is simply, Awesome!

I almost forgot today is Saturday! LOL! Thanks for reminding me, I was about to set everything up for lessons today. We will just have to make today a cleaning day. The house is long overdue for a good scrub down.
It's good to meet a fellow homeschooling family. My kids usually get a bit burned out with school once the weather starts to warm up. They just want to be outside playing. So, I try and incorperate as much "fun stuff" as I can to keep them interested. I have a set curriculum but it uses a weekly schedule instead of a daily schedule. The nice thing about this is the room available for extra-curricular lessons and activities. Take yesterday for example. Instead of having a sit-down math lesson; we had math for breakfast. With five people in our house a simple waffle recipe must, at least, be doubled. This lead to an object lesson in multiplying fractions. Another lesson the kids have been enjoying, at my expense, is data recording and analyzing. How many times does Mom sneeze on a daily basis vs. how many times does Mom sneeze when she remembers her allergy medicine. LOL! I did not start this lesson or encourage it. Thanks, kids. When this hatch-a-long came up I saw an opportunity for another lesson. Alongside the "Incubator Wars" competition there are several other lessons involved. The old saying of "don't count your chickens before they hatch" is the basis for a short study in probability and what factors affect it. Learning is everywhere. If my kids continue learning and growing well beyond their school years then all this investment will be worth it.
They have wanted to join the local 4H and raise a couple cows and goats. I told them that to get involved there would need a prerequisit study in fence building. They weren't to happy about that, but a little determination should carry them a long way. Fence Building 101 will most likely start up this summer, and end when the fence is finished.
Chores don't go over very well at our house either. Alongside brushing teeth is getting dressed. Although, I may have my next lesson. Where does all the dirty laundry come from when the kids almost never change out of their pajamas? LOL!
I candles and got the stuck egg out! Thanks for all the advice
. Most of the eggs have veining 2 look clear and 6 still have jiggly air sacs. I'd say out of 30 we are now down to 27. I'll check again on day 10 to see what we have!
I have pips in the hatcher!
4 so far. There are 12 in there but I think 2 are clear. They're dark eggs so I didn't toss them, just set them off to the side. They're not due to hatch until tomorrow. I have some black/lavender split hatching eggs arriving today too. I think I'm a hatch-a-holic..... and this is my first season hatching lol.

All of you talking about maple syrup, I'm jealous lol. We were planning to tap or trees this year but we had some issues with other stuff and never managed to buy the tapping equipment. Next year

Good Luck to you!!! Can't wait to hear!
Same here, but thanks to BYC, they haven't sent me away to a facility.

first two babies to hatch
one black copper and one wheaten Marans
Woo! hoo!! Congrats!

and best wishes.

@wornoutmomto3 Thank you for your Incubator Wars! It's one of my favorite reads right now!

I want some of 'Dudes EE Eggs!!! So pretty!
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Those are from bama? ship??    To Utah? lol...beautiful!! 

I have several eggs participating in this hal. I actually have eggs arriving in Utah today.
I would love to ship you some eggs. Pm me.
I wont be hatching anything until I get a better bator
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